Interface Workspace

public interface Workspace
Defines methods for accessing a workspace; a workspace is simply a group of running tools and their templates.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the workspace name
      the name
    • getTools

      PluginTool[] getTools()
      Get the running tools in the workspace.
      list of running tools or zero-length array if there are no tools in the workspace
    • createTool

      PluginTool createTool()
      Launch an empty tool.
      name of empty tool that is launched.
    • runTool

      PluginTool runTool(ToolTemplate template)
      Run the tool specified by the tool template object.
      template - the template
      launched tool that is now running.
    • setName

      void setName(String newName) throws DuplicateNameException
      Rename this workspace.
      newName - new workspace name
      DuplicateNameException - if newName is already the name of a workspace.
    • setActive

      void setActive()
      Set this workspace to be the active workspace, i.e., all tools become visible. The currently active workspace becomes inactive, and this workspace becomes active.