Class IndexedV1LocalFileSystem

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IndexedV1LocalFileSystem extends IndexedLocalFileSystem
IndexedLocalFileSystem implements a case-sensitive indexed filesystem which uses a shallow storage hierarchy with no restriction on file name or path length. This filesystem is identified by the existence of an index file (~index.dat) and recovery journal (~index.jrn).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • IndexedV1LocalFileSystem

      protected IndexedV1LocalFileSystem(String rootPath, boolean isVersioned, boolean readOnly, boolean enableAsyncronousDispatching, boolean create) throws IOException
      rootPath - path for root directory.
      isVersioned - if true item versioning will be enabled.
      readOnly - if true modifications within this file-system will not be allowed and result in an ReadOnlyException
      enableAsyncronousDispatching - if true a separate dispatch thread will be used to notify listeners. If false, blocking notification will be performed.
      create - if true a new folder will be created.
      FileNotFoundException - if specified rootPath does not exist
      IOException - if error occurs while reading/writing index files
  • Method Details