Class DepthFirstSorter<V,E extends GEdge<V>>

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type
E - the edge type

public class DepthFirstSorter<V,E extends GEdge<V>> extends Object
Processes the given graph depth first and records that order of the vertices.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static <V, E extends GEdge<V>>
    Returns the vertices of the given graph in post-order, which is the order the vertices are last visited when performing a depth-first traversal.
    static <V, E extends GEdge<V>>
    postOrder(GDirectedGraph<V,E> g, GraphNavigator<V,E> navigator)
    Returns the vertices of the given graph in post-order, which is the order the vertices are last visited when performing a depth-first traversal.
    static <V, E extends GEdge<V>>
    Returns the vertices of the given graph in pre-order, which is the order the vertices are encountered when performing a depth-first traversal.
    static <V, E extends GEdge<V>>
    preOrder(GDirectedGraph<V,E> g, GraphNavigator<V,E> navigator)
    Returns the vertices of the given graph in pre-order, which is the order the vertices are encountered when performing a depth-first traversal.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • postOrder

      public static <V, E extends GEdge<V>> List<V> postOrder(GDirectedGraph<V,E> g)
      Returns the vertices of the given graph in post-order, which is the order the vertices are last visited when performing a depth-first traversal.
      g - the graph
      the vertices in post-order
    • postOrder

      public static <V, E extends GEdge<V>> List<V> postOrder(GDirectedGraph<V,E> g, GraphNavigator<V,E> navigator)
      Returns the vertices of the given graph in post-order, which is the order the vertices are last visited when performing a depth-first traversal.
      g - the graph
      navigator - the knower of the direction the graph should be traversed
      the vertices in post-order
    • preOrder

      public static <V, E extends GEdge<V>> List<V> preOrder(GDirectedGraph<V,E> g)
      Returns the vertices of the given graph in pre-order, which is the order the vertices are encountered when performing a depth-first traversal.
      g - the graph
      the vertices in pre-order
    • preOrder

      public static <V, E extends GEdge<V>> List<V> preOrder(GDirectedGraph<V,E> g, GraphNavigator<V,E> navigator)
      Returns the vertices of the given graph in pre-order, which is the order the vertices are encountered when performing a depth-first traversal.
      g - the graph
      navigator - the knower of the direction the graph should be traversed
      the vertices in pre-order