Package ghidra.graph

Interface GEdge<V>

Type Parameters:
V - the type of vertices
All Known Subinterfaces:
GWeightedEdge<V>, VisualEdge<V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractVisualEdge, AssemblyContextGraph.Edge, CodeBlockEdge, DefaultGEdge, MutableGDirectedGraphWrapper.DummyEdge

public interface GEdge<V>
An edge in a (usually directed) graph
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the end, or head, of the edge
    Get the start, or tail, of the edge
  • Method Details

    • getStart

      V getStart()
      Get the start, or tail, of the edge

      In the edge x -> y, x is the start

      the start
    • getEnd

      V getEnd()
      Get the end, or head, of the edge

      In the edge x -> y, y is the end

      the end