Interface VisualEdge<V extends VisualVertex>

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type
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public interface VisualEdge<V extends VisualVertex> extends GEdge<V>
An edge that contains properties and state related to a user interface.

An edge can be selected, which means that it has been clicked by the user. Also, an edge can be part of an active path. This allows the UI to paint the edge differently if it is in the active path. The active path concept applies to both hovered and focused vertices separately. A hovered vertex is one that the user moves the mouse over; a focused vertex is one that is selected.

Articulations - The start and end points are always part of the edge. Any additional points on the edge are considered articulation points. Thus, an edge without articulations will be drawn as a straight line. An edge with articulations will be drawn as a series of straight lines from point-to-point, allowing the layout algorithm to add points to the edge to avoid line crossings; these points are used to make the drawing of the edge cleaner.

equals() and hashCode() - The graph API allows for cloning of layouts. For this to correctly copy layout locations, each edge must override equals and hashCode in order to properly find edges across graphs.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <E extends VisualEdge<V>>
    cloneEdge(V start, V end)
    Creates a new edge of this type using the given vertices.
    Get the alpha, which determines how much of the edge is visible/see through.
    Returns the points (in GraphViewerUtils View Space) of the articulation
    Returns the emphasis value of this edge.
    Returns true if this edge is part of an active path for a currently focused/selected vertex (this allows the edge to be differently rendered)
    Returns true if this edge is part of an active path for a currently hovered vertex (this allows the edge to be differently rendered)
    Returns true if this edge is selected
    setAlpha(double alpha)
    Set the alpha, which determines how much of the edge is visible/see through.
    Sets the articulation points for the given edge
    setEmphasis(double emphasisLevel)
    Sets the emphasis value for this edge.
    setInFocusedVertexPath(boolean inPath)
    Sets this edge to be marked as in the active path of a currently focused/selected vertex
    setInHoveredVertexPath(boolean inPath)
    Sets this edge to be marked as in the active path of a currently hovered vertex
    setSelected(boolean selected)
    Sets this edge selected.

    Methods inherited from interface ghidra.graph.GEdge

    getEnd, getStart
  • Method Details

    • setSelected

      void setSelected(boolean selected)
      Sets this edge selected. This is usually in response to the user selecting the edge.
      selected - true to select this edge; false to de-select this vertex
    • isSelected

      boolean isSelected()
      Returns true if this edge is selected
      true if this edge is selected
    • setInHoveredVertexPath

      void setInHoveredVertexPath(boolean inPath)
      Sets this edge to be marked as in the active path of a currently hovered vertex
      inPath - true to be marked as in the active path; false to be marked as not in the active path
    • isInHoveredVertexPath

      boolean isInHoveredVertexPath()
      Returns true if this edge is part of an active path for a currently hovered vertex (this allows the edge to be differently rendered)
      true if this edge is part of the active path
    • setInFocusedVertexPath

      void setInFocusedVertexPath(boolean inPath)
      Sets this edge to be marked as in the active path of a currently focused/selected vertex
      inPath - true to be marked as in the active path; false to be marked as not in the active path
    • isInFocusedVertexPath

      boolean isInFocusedVertexPath()
      Returns true if this edge is part of an active path for a currently focused/selected vertex (this allows the edge to be differently rendered)
      true if this edge is part of the active path
    • getArticulationPoints

      List<Point2D> getArticulationPoints()
      Returns the points (in GraphViewerUtils View Space) of the articulation

      What are articulations?

      the points (in View Space space) of the articulation.
    • setArticulationPoints

      void setArticulationPoints(List<Point2D> points)
      Sets the articulation points for the given edge

      What are articulations?

      points - the points
    • cloneEdge

      <E extends VisualEdge<V>> E cloneEdge(V start, V end)
      Creates a new edge of this type using the given vertices.

      Implementation Note: the odd type 'E' below is there so that subclasses can return the type of their implementation. Basically, the decision was made to have each subclass suppress the warning that appears, since they know the type is safe. Alternatively, each client would have to cast the return type, which seems less desirable.

      start - the start vertex
      end - the end vertex
      the new edge
    • setEmphasis

      void setEmphasis(double emphasisLevel)
      Sets the emphasis value for this edge. A value of 0 indicates no emphasis.
      emphasisLevel - the emphasis
    • getEmphasis

      double getEmphasis()
      Returns the emphasis value of this edge. 0 if not emphasized.
      the emphasis value of this edge.
    • setAlpha

      void setAlpha(double alpha)
      Set the alpha, which determines how much of the edge is visible/see through. 0 is completely transparent. This attribute allows transitional for animations.
      alpha - the alpha value
    • getAlpha

      double getAlpha()
      Get the alpha, which determines how much of the edge is visible/see through. 0 is completely transparent. This attribute allows transitional for animations.
      the alpha value