Class ToolTipInfo<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of object for which to create a tooltip

public abstract class ToolTipInfo<T> extends Object
Basic container object that knows how to generate tooltips
  • Field Details

    • event

      protected final MouseEvent event
    • graphObject

      protected final T graphObject
  • Constructor Details

    • ToolTipInfo

      public ToolTipInfo(MouseEvent event, T t)
  • Method Details

    • createToolTipComponent

      protected abstract JComponent createToolTipComponent()
      Creates a tool tip component
      the tool tip component
    • emphasize

      protected abstract void emphasize()
      Signals for the implementation to emphasis the original graph object passed to this info
    • deEmphasize

      protected abstract void deEmphasize()
      Signals for the implementation to turn off emphasis