Class ModifiedPcodeThread.GlueEmulate

Enclosing class:

protected class ModifiedPcodeThread.GlueEmulate extends Emulate
Glue for incorporating state modifiers

This allows the modifiers to change the context and counter of the thread.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getLanguage

      public Language getLanguage()
      getLanguage in class Emulate
    • setExecuteAddress

      public void setExecuteAddress(Address addr)
      setExecuteAddress in class Emulate
    • getExecuteAddress

      public Address getExecuteAddress()
      getExecuteAddress in class Emulate
    • setContextRegisterValue

      public void setContextRegisterValue(RegisterValue regValue)
      Description copied from class: Emulate
      Sets the context register value at the current execute address. The Emulator should not be running when this method is invoked. Only flowing context bits should be set, as non-flowing bits will be cleared prior to parsing on instruction. In addition, any future context state set by the pcode emitter will take precedence over context set using this method. This method is primarily intended to be used to establish the initial context state.
      setContextRegisterValue in class Emulate
    • getContextRegisterValue

      public RegisterValue getContextRegisterValue()
      Description copied from class: Emulate
      Returns the current context register value. The context value returned reflects its state when the previously executed instruction was parsed/executed. The context value returned will feed into the next instruction to be parsed with its non-flowing bits cleared and any future context state merged in. If no instruction has been executed, the explicitly set context will be returned. A null value is returned if no context register is defined by the language or initial context has not been set.
      getContextRegisterValue in class Emulate