Class JitDefaultBytesPcodeExecutorState

All Implemented Interfaces:
JitBytesPcodeExecutorState, PcodeExecutorState<byte[]>, PcodeExecutorStatePiece<byte[],byte[]>

public class JitDefaultBytesPcodeExecutorState extends DefaultPcodeExecutorState<byte[]> implements JitBytesPcodeExecutorState
The default implementation of JitBytesPcodeExecutorState.

NOTE: This is distinct from JitDataFlowState, which is used during the interpretation and analysis of the passage to translate. This state, in contrast, is the concrete state of the emulation target, but accessible in special ways to the translation output. In particular, the constructor of each translation is permitted direct access to some of this state's internals, so that it can pre-fetch, e.g., backing arrays for direct memory access operations.

This is just an extension of DefaultPcodeExecutorState that wraps the corresponding JitBytesPcodeExecutorStatePiece.