Class JitDataFlowArithmetic

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JitDataFlowArithmetic extends Object implements PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
A p-code arithmetic for interpreting p-code and constructing a use-def graph

This is used for intra-block data flow analysis. We leverage the same API as is used for concrete p-code interpretation, but we use it for an abstraction. The type of the interpretation is T:=JitVal, which can consist of constants and variables in the use-def graph. The arithmetic must be provided to the JitDataFlowExecutor. The intra-block portions of the use-def graph are populated as each block is interpreted by the executor.

The general strategy for each of the arithmetic operations is to 1) generate the output SSA variable for the op, 2) generate the op node for the generated output and given inputs, 3) enter the op into the use-def graph as the definition of its output, 4) record the inputs and used by the new op, and finally 5) return the generated output.

There should only need to be one of these per data flow model, not per block.

  • Constructor Details

    • JitDataFlowArithmetic

      public JitDataFlowArithmetic(JitAnalysisContext context, JitDataFlowModel dfm)
      Construct the arithmetic
      context - the analysis context
      dfm - the owning data flow model
  • Method Details

    • getEndian

      public Endian getEndian()
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Get the endianness of this arithmetic

      Often T is a byte array, or at least represents one abstractly. Ideally, it is an array where each element is an abstraction of a byte. If that is the case, then the arithmetic likely has to interpret those bytes as integral values according to an endianness. This should return that endianness.

      If the abstraction has no notion of endianness, return null. In that case, the both PcodeArithmetic.fromConst(BigInteger, int, boolean) and PcodeArithmetic.fromConst(long, int) must be overridden. Furthermore, unless PcodeArithmetic.toConcrete(Object, Purpose) is guaranteed to throw an exception, then PcodeArithmetic.toBigInteger(Object, Purpose) and PcodeArithmetic.toLong(Object, Purpose) must also be overridden.

      Specified by:
      getEndian in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      the endianness or null
    • truncFromRight

      public JitVal truncFromRight(Varnode in1Vn, int amt, JitVal in1)
      Remove amt bytes from the right of the varnode.

      "Right" is considered with respect to the machine endianness. If it is little endian, then the byte are shaved from the left of the value. This should be used when getting values from the state to remove pieces from off-cut values. It should be applied before the pieces are ordered according to machine endianness.

      in1Vn - the varnode representing the input
      amt - the number of bytes to remove
      in1 - the input (really a value read from the state)
      the resulting value
    • truncFromLeft

      public JitVal truncFromLeft(Varnode in1Vn, int amt, JitVal in1)
      Remove amt bytes from the left of the varnode.

      "Left" is considered with respect to the machine endianness. If it is little endian, then the byte are shaved from the right of the value. This should be used when getting values from the state to remove pieces from off-cut values. It should be applied before the pieces are ordered according to machine endianness.

      in1Vn - the varnode representing the input
      amt - the number of bytes to remove
      in1 - the input (really a value read from the state)
      the resulting value
    • shaveFromRight

      public JitVal shaveFromRight(int amt, JitVal in1)
      Remove amt bytes from the right of the value.

      The value is unaffected by the machine endianness, except to designate the output varnode.

      amt - the number of bytes to remove
      in1 - the input
      the output
    • shaveFromLeft

      public JitVal shaveFromLeft(int amt, JitVal in1)
      Remove amt bytes from the left of the value.

      The value is unaffected by the machine endianness, except to designate the output varnode.

      amt - the number of bytes to remove
      in1 - the input
      the output
    • subpiece

      public JitVal subpiece(int size, int offset, JitVal v)
      Compute the subpiece of a value.

      The result is added to the use-def graph. The output varnode is computed from the input varnode and the subpiece parameters. This is used to handle variable retrieval when an access only include parts of a value previously written. Consider the x86 assembly:

       MOV RAX, qword ptr [...]
       MOV dword ptr [...], EAX

      The second line reads EAX, which consists of only the lower part of RAX. Thus, we synthesize a subpiece op. These are distinct from an actual PcodeOp.SUBPIECE op, since we sometimes needs to filter out synthetic ops.

      size - the size of the output variable in bytes
      offset - the subpiece offset (number of bytes shifted right)
      v - the input value
      the output value
    • catenate

      public JitVal catenate(Varnode outVn, List<JitVal> parts)
      Construct the catenation of the given values to form the given output varnode.

      The result is added to the use-def graph. This is used to handle variable retrieval when the pattern of accesses indicates catenation. Consider the x86 assembly:

       MOV AH, byte ptr [...]
       MOV AL, byte ptr [...]
       MOV word ptr [...], AX

      On the third line, the value in AX is the catenation of whatever values were written into AH and AL. Thus, we synthesize a catenation op node in the use-def graph.

      outVn - the output varnode
      parts - the list of values to catenate, ordered by machine endianness
      the output value
      See Also:
    • unaryOp

      public JitVal unaryOp(PcodeOp op, JitVal in1)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Apply a unary operator to the given input

      This provides the full p-code op, allowing deeper inspection of the code. For example, an arithmetic may wish to distinguish immediate (constant) values from variables. By default, this unpacks the details and defers to PcodeArithmetic.unaryOp(int, int, int, Object).

      Specified by:
      unaryOp in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      op - the operation
      in1 - the input value
      the output value
    • unaryOp

      public JitVal unaryOp(int opcode, int sizeout, int sizein1, JitVal in1)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Apply a unary operator to the given input

      Note the sizes of variables are given, because values don't necessarily have an intrinsic size. For example, a BigInteger may have a minimum encoding size, but that does not necessarily reflect the size of the variable from which is was read.

      Specified by:
      unaryOp in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      opcode - the p-code opcode
      sizeout - the size (in bytes) of the output variable
      sizein1 - the size (in bytes) of the input variable
      in1 - the input value
      the output value
    • binaryOp

      public JitVal binaryOp(PcodeOp op, JitVal in1, JitVal in2)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Apply a binary operator to the given input

      This provides the full p-code op, allowing deeper inspection of the code. For example, an arithmetic may wish to distinguish immediate (constant) values from variables. By default, this unpacks the details and defers to PcodeArithmetic.binaryOp(int, int, int, Object, int, Object).

      Specified by:
      binaryOp in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      op - the operation
      in1 - the first (left) input value
      in2 - the second (right) input value
      the output value
    • binaryOp

      public JitVal binaryOp(int opcode, int sizeout, int sizein1, JitVal in1, int sizein2, JitVal in2)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Apply a binary operator to the given inputs

      Note the sizes of variables are given, because values don't necessarily have an intrinsic size. For example, a BigInteger may have a minimum encoding size, but that does not necessarily reflect the size of the variable from which is was read.

      Specified by:
      binaryOp in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      opcode - the operation's opcode. See PcodeOp.
      sizeout - the size (in bytes) of the output variable
      sizein1 - the size (in bytes) of the first (left) input variable
      in1 - the first (left) input value
      sizein2 - the size (in bytes) of the second (right) input variable
      in2 - the second (right) input value
      the output value
    • modBeforeStore

      public JitVal modBeforeStore(PcodeOp op, AddressSpace space, JitVal inOffset, JitVal inValue)
      Apply any modifications before a value is stored

      This provides the full p-code op, allowing deeper inspection of the code. NOTE: STORE ops always quantize the offset.

      We override this to record the store op into the use-def graph. As "output" we just return inValue. The executor will call setVal, but the state will just ignore it, because it will be an indirect memory write.

      Specified by:
      modBeforeStore in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      op - the operation
      space - the address space
      inOffset - the value used as the offset
      inValue - the value to store
      the modified value to store
    • modBeforeStore

      public JitVal modBeforeStore(int sizeinOffset, AddressSpace space, JitVal inOffset, int sizeinValue, JitVal inValue)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Apply any modifications before a value is stored

      This implements any abstractions associated with PcodeOp.STORE. This is called on the offset and the value before the value is actually stored into the state. NOTE: STORE ops always quantize the offset.

      Specified by:
      modBeforeStore in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      sizeinOffset - the size (in bytes) of the variable used for indirection
      space - the address space
      inOffset - the value used as the address (or offset)
      sizeinValue - the size (in bytes) of the variable to store and of the output variable
      inValue - the value to store
      the modified value to store
    • modAfterLoad

      public JitVal modAfterLoad(PcodeOp op, AddressSpace space, JitVal inOffset, JitVal inValue)
      Apply any modifications after a value is loaded

      This provides the full p-code op, allowing deeper inspection of the code. NOTE: LOAD ops always quantize the offset.

      We override this to record the op into the use-def graph. For our inValue, the state will have just returned the dummy indirect variable definition. We must not "use" this. Instead, we must take our other parameters to construct the load op and return its output.

      Specified by:
      modAfterLoad in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      op - the operation
      space - the address space
      inOffset - the value used as the offset
      inValue - the value loaded
      the modified value loaded
    • modAfterLoad

      public JitVal modAfterLoad(int sizeinOffset, AddressSpace space, JitVal inOffset, int sizeinValue, JitVal inValue)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Apply any modifications after a value is loaded

      This implements any abstractions associated with PcodeOp.LOAD. This is called on the address/offset and the value after the value is actually loaded from the state. NOTE: LOAD ops always quantize the offset.

      Specified by:
      modAfterLoad in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      sizeinOffset - the size (in bytes) of the variable used for indirection
      space - the address space
      inOffset - the value used as the offset
      sizeinValue - the size (in bytes) of the variable loaded and of the output variable
      inValue - the value loaded
      the modified value loaded
    • fromConst

      public JitVal fromConst(byte[] value)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Convert the given constant concrete value to type T having the same size.
      Specified by:
      fromConst in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      value - the constant value
      the value as a T
    • toConcrete

      public byte[] toConcrete(JitVal value, PcodeArithmetic.Purpose purpose)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Convert, if possible, the given abstract value to a concrete byte array
      Specified by:
      toConcrete in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      value - the abstract value
      purpose - the purpose for which the emulator needs a concrete value
      the array
    • sizeOf

      public long sizeOf(JitVal value)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Get the size in bytes, if possible, of the given abstract value

      If the abstract value does not conceptually have a size, throw an exception.

      Specified by:
      sizeOf in interface PcodeArithmetic<JitVal>
      value - the abstract value
      the size in bytes