Class PairedEmuFileContents<L,R>

Type Parameters:
L - the type of values for the left
R - the type of values for the right
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PairedEmuFileContents<L,R> extends Object implements EmuFileContents<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<L,R>>
The analog of PairedPcodeExecutorStatePiece for simulated file contents
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PairedEmuFileContents

      public PairedEmuFileContents(EmuFileContents<L> left, EmuFileContents<R> right)
      Create a paired file contents
      left - the left contents
      right - the right contents
  • Method Details

    • read

      public long read(long offset, org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<L,R> buf, long fileSize)
      Description copied from interface: EmuFileContents
      Copy values from the file into the given buffer
      Specified by:
      read in interface EmuFileContents<L>
      offset - the offset in the file to read
      buf - the destination buffer, whose size must be known
      fileSize - the size of the file
      the number of bytes (not necessarily concrete) read
    • write

      public long write(long offset, org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<L,R> buf, long curSize)
      Description copied from interface: EmuFileContents
      Write values from the given buffer into the file
      Specified by:
      write in interface EmuFileContents<L>
      offset - the offset in the file to write
      buf - the source buffer, whose size must be known
      curSize - the current size of the file
      the number of bytes (not necessarily concrete) written
    • truncate

      public void truncate()
      Description copied from interface: EmuFileContents
      Erase the contents

      Note that the file's size will be set to 0, so actual erasure of the contents may not be necessary, but if the contents are expensive to store, they ought to be disposed.

      Specified by:
      truncate in interface EmuFileContents<L>