Enum Class LocationPcodeArithmetic

All Implemented Interfaces:
PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>, Serializable, Comparable<LocationPcodeArithmetic>, Constable

public enum LocationPcodeArithmetic extends Enum<LocationPcodeArithmetic> implements PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
An auxiliary arithmetic that reports the location the control value

This is intended for use as the right side of a PairedPcodeArithmetic. Note that constant and unique spaces are never returned. Furthermore, any computation performed on a value, producing a temporary value, philosophically does not exist at any location in the state. Thus, most operations in this arithmetic result in null. The accompanying state piece LocationPcodeExecutorStatePiece generates the actual locations.

  • Enum Constant Details

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static LocationPcodeArithmetic[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static LocationPcodeArithmetic valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • forEndian

      public static LocationPcodeArithmetic forEndian(boolean bigEndian)
    • getEndian

      public Endian getEndian()
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Get the endianness of this arithmetic

      Often T is a byte array, or at least represents one abstractly. Ideally, it is an array where each element is an abstraction of a byte. If that is the case, then the arithmetic likely has to interpret those bytes as integral values according to an endianness. This should return that endianness.

      If the abstraction has no notion of endianness, return null. In that case, the both PcodeArithmetic.fromConst(BigInteger, int, boolean) and PcodeArithmetic.fromConst(long, int) must be overridden. Furthermore, unless PcodeArithmetic.toConcrete(Object, Purpose) is guaranteed to throw an exception, then PcodeArithmetic.toBigInteger(Object, Purpose) and PcodeArithmetic.toLong(Object, Purpose) must also be overridden.

      Specified by:
      getEndian in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      the endianness or null
    • unaryOp

      public ValueLocation unaryOp(int opcode, int sizeout, int sizein1, ValueLocation in1)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Apply a unary operator to the given input

      Note the sizes of variables are given, because values don't necessarily have an intrinsic size. For example, a BigInteger may have a minimum encoding size, but that does not necessarily reflect the size of the variable from which is was read.

      Specified by:
      unaryOp in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      opcode - the p-code opcode
      sizeout - the size (in bytes) of the output variable
      sizein1 - the size (in bytes) of the input variable
      in1 - the input value
      the output value
    • binaryOp

      public ValueLocation binaryOp(int opcode, int sizeout, int sizein1, ValueLocation in1, int sizein2, ValueLocation in2)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Apply a binary operator to the given inputs

      Note the sizes of variables are given, because values don't necessarily have an intrinsic size. For example, a BigInteger may have a minimum encoding size, but that does not necessarily reflect the size of the variable from which is was read.

      Specified by:
      binaryOp in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      opcode - the operation's opcode. See PcodeOp.
      sizeout - the size (in bytes) of the output variable
      sizein1 - the size (in bytes) of the first (left) input variable
      in1 - the first (left) input value
      sizein2 - the size (in bytes) of the second (right) input variable
      in2 - the second (right) input value
      the output value
    • modBeforeStore

      public ValueLocation modBeforeStore(int sizeout, int sizeinAddress, ValueLocation inAddress, int sizeinValue, ValueLocation inValue)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Apply any modifications before a value is stored

      This implements any abstractions associated with PcodeOp.STORE. This is called on the address/offset and the value before the value is actually stored into the state.

      Specified by:
      modBeforeStore in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      sizeout - the size (in bytes) of the output variable
      sizeinAddress - the size (in bytes) of the variable used for indirection
      inAddress - the value used as the address (or offset)
      sizeinValue - the size (in bytes) of the variable to store
      inValue - the value to store
      the modified value to store
    • modAfterLoad

      public ValueLocation modAfterLoad(int sizeout, int sizeinAddress, ValueLocation inAddress, int sizeinValue, ValueLocation inValue)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Apply any modifications after a value is loaded

      This implements any abstractions associated with PcodeOp.LOAD. This is called on the address/offset and the value after the value is actually loaded from the state.

      Specified by:
      modAfterLoad in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      sizeout - the size (in bytes) of the output variable
      sizeinAddress - the size (in bytes) of the variable used for indirection
      inAddress - the value used as the address (or offset)
      sizeinValue - the size (in bytes) of the variable loaded
      inValue - the value loaded
      the modified value loaded
    • fromConst

      public ValueLocation fromConst(byte[] value)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Convert the given constant concrete value to type T having the same size.
      Specified by:
      fromConst in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      value - the constant value
      the value as a T
    • fromConst

      public ValueLocation fromConst(BigInteger value, int size, boolean isContextreg)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Convert the given constant concrete value to type T having the given size.

      Note that the size may not be applicable to T. It is given to ensure the value can be held in a variable of that size when passed to downstream operators or stored in the executor state.

      Specified by:
      fromConst in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      value - the constant value
      size - the size (in bytes) of the variable into which the value is to be stored
      isContextreg - true to indicate the value is from the disassembly context register. If T represents bytes, and the value is the contextreg, then the bytes are in big endian, no matter the machine language's endianness.
      the value as a T
    • fromConst

      public ValueLocation fromConst(BigInteger value, int size)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Convert the given constant concrete value to type T having the given size.

      The value is assumed not to be for the disassembly context register.

      Specified by:
      fromConst in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      See Also:
    • fromConst

      public ValueLocation fromConst(long value, int size)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Convert the given constant concrete value to type T having the given size.

      Note that the size may not be applicable to T. It is given to ensure the value can be held in a variable of that size when passed to downstream operators or stored in the executor state.

      Specified by:
      fromConst in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      value - the constant value
      size - the size (in bytes) of the variable into which the value is to be stored
      the value as a T
    • toConcrete

      public byte[] toConcrete(ValueLocation value, PcodeArithmetic.Purpose purpose)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Convert, if possible, the given abstract value to a concrete byte array
      Specified by:
      toConcrete in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      value - the abstract value
      purpose - the purpose for which the emulator needs a concrete value
      the array
    • sizeOf

      public long sizeOf(ValueLocation value)
      Description copied from interface: PcodeArithmetic
      Get the size in bytes, if possible, of the given abstract value

      If the abstract value does not conceptually have a size, throw an exception.

      Specified by:
      sizeOf in interface PcodeArithmetic<ValueLocation>
      value - the abstract value
      the size in bytes