Interface PcodeUseropLibrary.PcodeUseropDefinition<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of parameter accepted (and possibly returned) by the userop.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotatedPcodeUseropLibrary.AnnotatedPcodeUseropDefinition, AnnotatedPcodeUseropLibrary.FixedArgsAnnotatedPcodeUseropDefinition, AnnotatedPcodeUseropLibrary.VariadicAnnotatedPcodeUseropDefinition, DecoderUseropLibrary.WrappedUseropDefinition, EmuSyscallLibrary.SyscallPcodeUseropDefinition, JitDataFlowUseropLibrary.WrappedUseropDefinition, SleighPcodeUseropDefinition
Enclosing interface:

public static interface PcodeUseropLibrary.PcodeUseropDefinition<T>
The definition of a p-code userop.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of the userop.

      This is the symbol assigned to the userop when compiling new Sleigh code. It cannot conflict with existing userops (except those declared, but not defined, by the executor's language) or other symbols of the executor's language. If this userop is to be used generically across many languages, choose an unlikely name. Conventionally, these start with two underscores __.

      the name of the userop
    • getInputCount

      int getInputCount()
      Get the number of input operands accepted by the userop.
      the count or -1 if the userop is variadic
    • execute

      void execute(PcodeExecutor<T> executor, PcodeUseropLibrary<T> library, Varnode outVar, List<Varnode> inVars)
      Invoke/execute the userop.
      executor - the executor invoking this userop.
      library - the complete library for this execution. Note the library may have been composed from more than the one defining this userop.
      outVar - if invoked as an rval, the destination varnode for the userop's output. Otherwise, null.
      inVars - the input varnodes as ordered in the source.
      See Also:
    • execute

      default void execute(PcodeExecutor<T> executor, PcodeUseropLibrary<T> library, PcodeOp op)
      Invoke/execute the raw userop.

      NOTE: The first input to the raw p-code op is the id of this userop. The userop inputs are thus at indices 1..N.

      executor - the executor invoking this userop.
      library - the complete library for this execution. Note the library may have been composed from more than the one defining this userop.
      op - the PcodeOp.CALLOTHER op
    • isFunctional

      boolean isFunctional()
      Indicates whether this userop is a "pure function."

      This means all inputs are given in the arguments to the userop and the output, if applicable, is given via the return. Technically, this is only with respect to the emulated machine state. If the library carries its own state, and the userop is stateful with respect to the library, it is still okay to set this to true. When this is set to false, the underlying execution engine must ensure the machine state is consistent, because the userop may access any part of it directly. Functional userops ought to take primitive parameters and return primitives, and should receive neither the executor nor its state object.

      WARNING: The term "inputs" include disassembly context. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to access that context via p-code ops generated by Sleigh, so the only way to obtain it is to ask the emulator thread for it out of band. Userops that require this are not "pure functions."

      true if a pure function.
      See Also:
    • hasSideEffects

      boolean hasSideEffects()
      Indicates whether this userop may have side effects.

      This means that the function may have an output or an effect other than returning a value. Even if isFunctional() is true, it is possible for a userop to have side effects, e.g., updating a field in a library or printing to the screen.

      true if it has side effects.
      See Also:
    • canInlinePcode

      boolean canInlinePcode()
      Indicates whether or not this userop definition produces p-code suitable for inlining in place of its invocation.

      Generally, if all the userop definition does is feed additional p-code to the executor with the same userop library, then it is suitable for inlining. It is possible for the p-code to depend on other factors, but care must be taken, since the decision could be fixed by the underlying execution system at any time. E.g., if the p-code is translated to JVM byte code, then the userop may be inlined at translation time rather than execution time. Recommended factors include configuration, placement within surrounding instructions, static analysis, etc., but the p-code should probably not depend on the machine's dynamic run-time state.

      true if inlining is possible, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getJavaMethod

      Method getJavaMethod()
      If this userop is defined as a java callback, get the method
      the method, or null
    • getDefiningLibrary

      PcodeUseropLibrary<?> getDefiningLibrary()
      Get the library that defines (or "owns") this userop

      A userop can become part of other composed libraries, so the library from which this userop was retrieved may not be the same as the one that defined it. This returns the one that defined it.

      As a special consideration, if this userop is a wrapper around another, and this wrapper returns the java method of the delegate, this must return the defining library of the delegate. If this is not defined by a java callback, this method (the defining library) may be null.

      the defining library