Class MemoryBank

Direct Known Subclasses:
MemoryImage, MemoryPageBank, UniqueMemoryBank

public abstract class MemoryBank extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • MemoryBank

      public MemoryBank(AddressSpace spc, boolean isBigEndian, int ps, MemoryFaultHandler faultHandler)
      A MemoryBank must be associated with a specific address space, have a preferred or natural pagesize. The pagesize must be a power of 2.
      spc - is the associated address space
      isBigEndian - memory endianness
      ps - ps is the number of bytes in a page (must be a power of 2)
      faultHandler - memory fault handler
  • Method Details

    • getMemoryFaultHandler

      public MemoryFaultHandler getMemoryFaultHandler()
      memory fault handler (may be null)
    • isBigEndian

      public boolean isBigEndian()
      true if memory bank is big endian
    • getPageSize

      public int getPageSize()
      A MemoryBank is instantiated with a \e natural page size. Requests for large chunks of data may be broken down into units of this size.
      the number of bytes in a page.
    • getInitializedMaskSize

      public int getInitializedMaskSize()
      the size of a page initialized mask in bytes. Each bit within the mask corresponds to a data byte within a page.
    • getSpace

      public AddressSpace getSpace()
      the AddressSpace associated with this bank.
    • getPage

      protected abstract MemoryPage getPage(long addr)
    • setPage

      protected abstract void setPage(long addr, byte[] val, int skip, int size, int bufOffset)
    • setPageInitialized

      protected abstract void setPageInitialized(long addr, boolean initialized, int skip, int size, int bufOffset)
    • setChunk

      public void setChunk(long offset, int size, byte[] val)
    • setInitialized

      public void setInitialized(long offset, int size, boolean initialized)
    • getChunk

      public int getChunk(long addrOffset, int size, byte[] res, boolean stopOnUnintialized)
    • constructValue

      public static long constructValue(byte[] ptr, int offset, int size, boolean bigendian)
    • deconstructValue

      public static void deconstructValue(byte[] ptr, int offset, long val, int size, boolean bigendian)