Interface StructuredSleigh.Var

All Superinterfaces:
StructuredSleigh.LVal, StructuredSleigh.RVal
Enclosing class:

protected static interface StructuredSleigh.Var extends StructuredSleigh.LVal
A Sleigh variable
  • Method Details

    • cast

      Description copied from interface: StructuredSleigh.RVal
      Cast the value to the given type

      This functions like a C-style pointer cast. There are no implied operations or conversions. Notably, casting between integers and floats is just a re-interpretation of the underlying bits.

      Specified by:
      cast in interface StructuredSleigh.LVal
      Specified by:
      cast in interface StructuredSleigh.RVal
      type - the type
      a handle to the resulting value
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of the variable as it appears in generated Sleigh code
      the name