Class DatabaseObject

Direct Known Subclasses:
BookmarkDB, EquateDB, FunctionDB, FunctionTagDB, InstructionDB, SourceArchiveDB, SymbolDB

public abstract class DatabaseObject extends Object
Base class for an cached object in the database. Database objects have keys. They are marked as invalid when a database cache is cleared and can be revived on a refresh as long as they haven't been deleted. Instantiating an object will cause it to be added immediately to the associated cache.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected long
  • Constructor Summary

    DatabaseObject(DBObjectCache cache, long key)
    Constructs a new DatabaseObject and adds it to the specified cache.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected void
    Checks if this object has been deleted, in which case any use of the object is not allowed.
    protected boolean
    Check whether this object is still valid.
    protected boolean
    Check whether this object is still valid.
    Get the database key for this object.
    Returns true if this object has been deleted.
    protected boolean
    Returns true if object is currently invalid and must be validated prior to further use.
    protected void
    keyChanged(long newKey)
    protected abstract boolean
    Tells the object to refresh its state from the database.
    protected boolean
    refresh(DBRecord record)
    Tells the object to refresh its state from the database using the specified record if not null.
    protected void
    Marks the object as deleted.
    Invalidate this object.
    protected boolean
    validate(Lock lock)
    This method provides a cheap (lock free) way to test if an object is valid.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • key

      protected long key
  • Constructor Details

    • DatabaseObject

      protected DatabaseObject(DBObjectCache cache, long key)
      Constructs a new DatabaseObject and adds it to the specified cache.
      cache - to be used for this object or null if object will not be cached
      key - database key to uniquely identify this object
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      public long getKey()
      Get the database key for this object.
    • setDeleted

      protected void setDeleted()
      Marks the object as deleted.
    • setInvalid

      public void setInvalid()
      Invalidate this object. This does not necessarily mean that this object can never be used again. If the object can refresh itself, it may still be useable.
    • keyChanged

      protected void keyChanged(long newKey)
    • isInvalid

      protected boolean isInvalid()
      Returns true if object is currently invalid and must be validated prior to further use. An invalid object may result from a cache invalidation which corresponds to wide-spread record changes. A common situation where this can occur is an undo/redo operation against the underlying database. The methods checkIsValid(), checkDeleted(), validate(Lock) and isDeleted(Lock) are methods which will force a re-validation if required.
      true if this object is invalid and must be re-validated, else false if object state is currently valid which may include a deleted state.
    • checkDeleted

      protected void checkDeleted()
      Checks if this object has been deleted, in which case any use of the object is not allowed. This method should be invoked before any modifications to the object are performed to ensure it still exists and is in a valid state.
      ConcurrentModificationException - if the object has been deleted from the database.
    • checkIsValid

      protected boolean checkIsValid()
      Check whether this object is still valid. If the object is invalid, the object will attempt to refresh itself. If the refresh fails, the object will be marked as deleted.
      true if the object is valid, else false if deleted
    • checkIsValid

      protected boolean checkIsValid(DBRecord record)
      Check whether this object is still valid. If the object is invalid, the object will attempt to refresh itself using the specified record. If the refresh fails, the object will be marked as deleted and removed from cache. If this object is already marked as deleted, the record can not be used to refresh the object.
      record - optional record which may be used to refresh invalid object
      true if the object is valid.
    • validate

      protected boolean validate(Lock lock)
      This method provides a cheap (lock free) way to test if an object is valid. If this object is invalid, then the lock will be used to refresh as needed.
      lock - the lock that will be used if the object needs to be refreshed.
      true if object is valid, else false if deleted
    • isDeleted

      public boolean isDeleted(Lock lock)
      Returns true if this object has been deleted. Note: once an object has been deleted, it will never be "refreshed". For example, if an object is ever deleted and is resurrected via an "undo", you will have get a fresh instance of the object.
      lock - object cache lock object
      true if this object has been deleted.
    • refresh

      protected abstract boolean refresh()
      Tells the object to refresh its state from the database.
      true if the object was able to refresh itself. Return false if the object was deleted. Objects that extend this class must implement a refresh method. If an object can never refresh itself, then it should always return false.
    • refresh

      protected boolean refresh(DBRecord record)
      Tells the object to refresh its state from the database using the specified record if not null. NOTE: The default implementation ignores the record and invokes refresh(). Implementations of this method must take care if multiple database tables are used since the record supplied could correspond to another object. In some cases it may be best not to override this method or ignore the record provided.
      record - valid record associated with object's key (optional, may be null to force record lookup or other refresh technique)
      true if the object was able to refresh itself. Return false if record is null and object was deleted. Objects that extend this class must implement a refresh method. If an object can never refresh itself, then it should always return false.