Class DBObjectCache<T extends DatabaseObject>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the object stored in this cache

public class DBObjectCache<T extends DatabaseObject> extends Object
Generic cache implementation for objects that extend DatabaseObject. This is a reference based cache such that objects are only ever automatically removed from the cache when there are no references to that object. It also maintains a small "hard" cache so that recently accessed objects are not prematurely removed from the cache if there are no references to them.
  • Constructor Summary

    DBObjectCache(int hardCacheSize)
    Constructs a new DBObjectCache with a given hard cache size.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    delete(long key)
    Removes the object with the given key from the cache.
    delete(List<KeyRange> keyRanges)
    Delete all objects from HashMap whose key is contained within the specified keyRanges.
    get(long key)
    Retrieves the database object with the given key from the cache.
    get(DBRecord objectRecord)
    Retrieves the database object with the given record and associated key from the cache.
    Returns an List of all the cached objects.
    Marks all the cached objects as invalid.
    keyChanged(long oldKey, long newKey)
    setHardCacheSize(int size)
    Sets the number of objects to protect against garbage collection.
    Returns the number of objects currently in the cache.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • DBObjectCache

      public DBObjectCache(int hardCacheSize)
      Constructs a new DBObjectCache with a given hard cache size. The hard cache size is the minimum number of objects to keep in the cache. Typically, the cache will contain more than this number, but the excess objects are subject to garbage collections
      hardCacheSize - the minimum number of objects to keep in the cache.
  • Method Details

    • get

      public T get(long key)
      Retrieves the database object with the given key from the cache.
      key - the key of the object to retrieve.
      the cached object or null if the object with that key is not currently cached.
    • get

      public T get(DBRecord objectRecord)
      Retrieves the database object with the given record and associated key from the cache. This form should be used in conjunction with record iterators to avoid unnecessary record query during a possible object refresh. To benefit from the record the cached object must implement the DatabaseObject.refresh(DBRecord) method which by default ignores the record and simply calls DatabaseObject.refresh().
      objectRecord - the valid record corresponding to the object to be retrieved and possibly used to refresh the associated object if found in cache
      the cached object or null if the object with that key is not currently cached.
    • size

      public int size()
      Returns the number of objects currently in the cache.
      the number of objects currently in the cache.
    • setHardCacheSize

      public void setHardCacheSize(int size)
      Sets the number of objects to protect against garbage collection.
      size - the minimum number of objects to keep in the cache.
    • getCachedObjects

      public List<T> getCachedObjects()
      Returns an List of all the cached objects.
      an List of all the cached objects.
    • delete

      public void delete(List<KeyRange> keyRanges)
      Delete all objects from HashMap whose key is contained within the specified keyRanges.
      keyRanges - key ranges to delete
    • invalidate

      public void invalidate()
      Marks all the cached objects as invalid. Invalid objects will have to refresh themselves before they are allowed to be used. If an invalidated object cannot refresh itself, then the object is removed from the cache and discarded and the application can no longer use that instance of the object.
    • delete

      public void delete(long key)
      Removes the object with the given key from the cache.
      key - the key of the object to remove.
    • keyChanged

      public void keyChanged(long oldKey, long newKey)