Class AddressRangeObjectMap<T>


public class AddressRangeObjectMap<T> extends Object
Associates objects with address ranges.
  • Constructor Details

    • AddressRangeObjectMap

      public AddressRangeObjectMap()
      Constructs a new ObjectRangeMap
  • Method Details

    • getAddressRangeIterator

      public AddressRangeIterator getAddressRangeIterator()
      Returns an AddressRangeIterator over all ranges that have associated objects.
      an AddressRangeIterator over all ranges that have associated objects.
    • getAddressRangeIterator

      public AddressRangeIterator getAddressRangeIterator(Address start, Address end)
      Returns an AddressRangeIterator over all ranges that have associated objects within the given range. Object Ranges that overlap the beginning or end of the given range are included, but have thier start or end index adjusted to be in the given range.
      start - the first Address in the range to find all index ranges that have associated values.
      end - the last Address(inclusive) in the range to find all index ranges that have associated values.
      an AddressRangeIterator over all ranges that have associated objects within the given range.
    • moveAddressRange

      public void moveAddressRange(Address fromAddr, Address toAddr, long length, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Move all values within an address range to a new range.
      fromAddr - the first address of the range to be moved.
      toAddr - the address where to the range is to be moved.
      length - the number of addresses to move.
      monitor - the task monitor.
      CancelledException - if the user canceled the operation via the task monitor.
    • setObject

      public void setObject(Address start, Address end, T object)
      Associates the given object with all indices in the given range. The object may be null, but an association is still established. Use the clearRange() method to remove associations.
      start - the start of the range.
      end - the end (inclusive) of the range.
      object - the object to associate with the given range.
    • clearAll

      public void clearAll()
      Clears all objects from map
    • clearRange

      public void clearRange(Address start, Address end)
      Clears any object associations within the given range.
      start - the first index in the range to be cleared.
      end - the last index in the range to be cleared.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(Address address)
      Returns true if the associated address has an associated object even if the assocated object is null.
      address - the index to check for an association.
      true if the associated index has an associated object even if the assocated object is null.
    • getObject

      public T getObject(Address address)
      Returns the object associated with the given index or null if no object is associated with the given index. Note that null is a valid association so a null result could be either no association or an actual association of the index to null. Use the contains() method first if the distinction is important. If the contains() method returns true, the result is cached so the next call to getObject() will be fast.
      address - the index at which to retrieve an assocated object.
      the object (which can be null) associated with the given index or null if no such association exists.
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
    • getAddressRangeContaining

      public AddressRange getAddressRangeContaining(Address addr)
      Get the value or hole range containing the specified address
      addr -
    • clearCache

      public void clearCache()