Class RelocationDBAdapterV6


public class RelocationDBAdapterV6 extends Object
Relocation Adapter (v6) introduced a stored status and length value. The byte-length value is only stored/used when stored bytes are not used and the original bytes are obtained from the underlying FileBytes via associated Memory. Older program's may have a stored bytes array but is unneccessary when original FileBytes are available.
During the transition of older relocation records we are unable to determine a proper status without comparing current memory to the original bytes. It may also be neccessary to reconcile overlapping relocations when the stored bytes value is null to obtain a valid length. This transition is too complicated for a low-level record translation so it must be deferred to a higher-level program upgrade (see ProgramDB). This also holds true for establishing a reasonable status for existing relocation records. During the initial record migration a status of Relocation.Status.UNKNOWN and default length will be used. After the program is ready another high-level upgrade, based on Program version, will then attempt to refine these records further.