Class FieldRangeQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FieldRangeQuery extends Object implements Query
Query implementation used to test a field in a record to fall within a range of values.
  • Constructor Details

    • FieldRangeQuery

      public FieldRangeQuery(int column, Field min, Field max)
      Constructs a new FieldRangeQuery that tests a records field against a range of values.
      column - the field index in the record to test.
      min - the minimum field value to test against.
      max - the maximum field value to test against.
  • Method Details

    • matches

      public boolean matches(DBRecord record)
      Description copied from interface: Query
      Returns true if the given record matches the querys condition.
      Specified by:
      matches in interface Query
      record - the record to test for compliance.
      See Also: