Package ghidra.program.database.util

package ghidra.program.database.util
  • Class
    AddressRangeMapDB provides a generic value range map backed by a database table.
    AddressSetPropertyMap that uses a RangeMapDB to maintain a set of addresses.
    Combines two queries such that this query is the logical "AND" of the two queries.
    Collection of static functions for upgrading various database tables.
    Exception thrown if the database does not match the expected version of the program classes.
    Interface to get a field adapter where the Field is the primary key in the table.
    Adapter to get an iterator over keys in a table.
    Interface to get a record iterator.
    Implementation of a RecordIterator that is always empty.
    Query implementation used to test a field in a record to match a given value.
    Query implementation used to test a field in a record to fall within a range of values.
    Iterates over a FieldIterator; the field is the address but not the key; the column for the field must be indexed.
    Negates the given query such that this query is the logical "NOT" of the given query.
    Combines two queries such that this query is the logical "OR" of the two queries.
    Query interface used to test a record for some condition.
    Iterator that only returns records from another iterator that match the given query.
    This map class should not be used except by the OldFunctionMapDB class
    Query for matching string fields with wildcard string.
    Implementation of AddressSetCollection used by ProgramChangeSet.