Interface AddressSetCollection

All Known Implementing Classes:
SingleAddressSetCollection, SynchronizedAddressSetCollection

public interface AddressSetCollection
This interface represents a collection of AddressSets (actually AddressSetViews). It defines a set of methods that can efficiently be performed on a collection of one or more AddressSets.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    contains(Address address)
    Test if the address is contained within any of the addressSets in this collection.
    Finds the first address in this collection that is also in the given addressSet.
    Returns a single AddressSet containing the union of all the addressSetViews in the collection.
    Returns the largest address in this collection or null if the collection is empty.
    Returns the smallest address in this collection or null if the collection is empty.
    hasFewerRangesThan(int rangeThreshold)
    Tests whether this collection of addressSets has approximately fewer ranges than the given threshold.
    intersects(Address start, Address end)
    Determine if range specified by start and end intersects with any of the AddressSets in this collection.
    Determine if any AddressSet in this collection intersects with the specified address set.
    Returns true if all the AddressSets in this collection are empty.
  • Method Details

    • intersects

      boolean intersects(AddressSetView addrSet)
      Determine if any AddressSet in this collection intersects with the specified address set.
      addrSet - address set to check intersection with.
    • intersects

      boolean intersects(Address start, Address end)
      Determine if range specified by start and end intersects with any of the AddressSets in this collection.
      start - start of range
      end - end of range
      true if the given range intersects this address set collection.
    • contains

      boolean contains(Address address)
      Test if the address is contained within any of the addressSets in this collection.

      address - address to test.
      true if addr exists in the set, false otherwise.
    • hasFewerRangesThan

      boolean hasFewerRangesThan(int rangeThreshold)
      Tests whether this collection of addressSets has approximately fewer ranges than the given threshold. This is probably estimated by adding up the number of ranges in each AddressSet in this collections. Returns true if the total is less than the given threshold.
      rangeThreshold - the number of ranges to test against.
      true if the max possible ranges is less than the given threshold.
    • getCombinedAddressSet

      AddressSet getCombinedAddressSet()
      Returns a single AddressSet containing the union of all the addressSetViews in the collection.
    • findFirstAddressInCommon

      Address findFirstAddressInCommon(AddressSetView set)
      Finds the first address in this collection that is also in the given addressSet.
      set - the addressSet to search for the first (lowest) common address.
      the first address that is contained in this set and the given set.
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Returns true if all the AddressSets in this collection are empty.
      true if all the AddressSets in this collection are empty.
    • getMinAddress

      Address getMinAddress()
      Returns the smallest address in this collection or null if the collection is empty.
      the smallest address in this collection or null if the collection is empty.
    • getMaxAddress

      Address getMaxAddress()
      Returns the largest address in this collection or null if the collection is empty.
      the largest address in this collection or null if the collection is empty.