Class CountedDynamicDataType

All Implemented Interfaces:
BuiltInDataType, DataType, Dynamic, ExtensionPoint

public abstract class CountedDynamicDataType extends DynamicDataType
A dynamic data type that changes the number of elements it contains based on a count found in header data type. The data type has a header data type which will contain the number of base data types following the header data type. NOTE: This is a special Dynamic data-type which can only appear as a component created by a Dynamic data-type
  • Constructor Details

    • CountedDynamicDataType

      public CountedDynamicDataType(String name, String description, DataType header, DataType baseStruct, long counterOffset, int counterSize, long mask)
      Constructor for this dynamic data type builder.
      name - name of this dynamic data type
      description - description of the data type
      header - header data type that will contain the number of following elements
      baseStruct - base data type for each of the following elements
      counterOffset - offset of the number of following elements from the start of the header
      counterSize - size of the count in bytes
      mask - mask to apply to the count value to get the actual number of following elements.
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public DataType clone(DataTypeManager dtm)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Returns an instance of this DataType using the specified DataTypeManager to allow its use of the corresponding DataOrganization while retaining its unique identity (see DataType.getUniversalID() and archive association (see DataType.getSourceArchive()) if applicable.

      This instance will be returned if this datatype's DataTypeManager matches the specified dtm. The recursion depth of a clone will stop on any datatype whose DataTypeManager matches the specified dtm and simply use the existing datatype instance.

      NOTE: In general, this method should not be used to obtain an instance to be modified. In most cases changes may be made directly to this instance if supported or to a DataType.copy(DataTypeManager) of this type.

      dtm - the data-type manager instance whose data-organization should apply.
      cloned instance which may be the same as this instance
    • getAllComponents

      protected DataTypeComponent[] getAllComponents(MemBuffer buf)
      Description copied from class: DynamicDataType
      Get all dynamic components associated with the specified MemBuffer
      Specified by:
      getAllComponents in class DynamicDataType
      buf - memory buffer positioned at start of data type instance
      all components or null if memory data is not valid for this data type.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get a String briefly describing this DataType.
      a one-liner describing this DataType.
    • getValue

      public Object getValue(MemBuffer buf, Settings settings, int length)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Returns the interpreted data value as an instance of the advertised value class.

      For instance, Pointer data types should return an Address object (or null), or integer data types should return a Scalar object.

      buf - the data buffer
      settings - the settings to use.
      length - indicates the maximum number of bytes that may be consumed by a Dynamic datatype, otherwise this value is ignored. A value of -1 may be specified to allow a Dynamic datatype to determine the length based upon the actual data bytes
      the data object, or null if data is invalid
    • getRepresentation

      public String getRepresentation(MemBuffer buf, Settings settings, int length)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get bytes from memory in a printable format for this type.
      buf - the data.
      settings - the settings to use for the representation.
      length - the number of bytes to represent.
      the representation of the data in this format, never null.
    • getMnemonic

      public String getMnemonic(Settings settings)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get the mnemonic for this DataType.
      Specified by:
      getMnemonic in interface DataType
      getMnemonic in class AbstractDataType
      settings - settings which may influence the result or null
      the mnemonic for this DataType.