Class BuiltIn

All Implemented Interfaces:
BuiltInDataType, DataType, ExtensionPoint
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractComplexDataType, AbstractFloatDataType, AbstractIntegerDataType, AbstractLeb128DataType, AbstractPointerTypedefBuiltIn, AbstractStringDataType, AIFFDataType, AlignmentDataType, AUDataType, BadDataType, DwarfEncodingModeDataType, DynamicDataType, FactoryStructureDataType, FileTimeDataType, GifDataType, GuidDataType, HTMLResourceDataType, JPEGDataType, MacintoshTimeStampDataType, PcRelative31AddressDataType, PngDataType, PointerDataType, SegmentedCodePointerDataType, ShiftedAddressDataType, Undefined, VoidDataType, WAVEDataType, WideChar16DataType, WideChar32DataType, WideCharDataType

public abstract class BuiltIn extends DataTypeImpl implements BuiltInDataType
NOTE: ALL DATATYPE CLASSES MUST END IN "DataType". If not, the ClassSearcher will not find them. Base class for built-in Datatypes. A built-in data type is searched for in the classpath and added automatically to the available data types in the data type manager. NOTE: Settings are immutable when a DataTypeManager has not been specified (i.e., null).
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • copy

      public final DataType copy(DataTypeManager dtm)
      Returns a clone of this built-in DataType
      Specified by:
      copy in interface DataType
      dtm - the data-type manager instance whose data-organization should apply.
      new instanceof of this datatype
      See Also:
    • getSettingsDefinitions

      public final SettingsDefinition[] getSettingsDefinitions()
      Gets a list of all the settingsDefinitions used by this datatype.
      Specified by:
      getSettingsDefinitions in interface DataType
      getSettingsDefinitions in class DataTypeImpl
      a list of the settingsDefinitions used by this datatype.
    • getBuiltInSettingsDefinitions

      protected SettingsDefinition[] getBuiltInSettingsDefinitions()
      Gets a list of all the settingsDefinitions used by this datatype.
      a list of the settingsDefinitions used by this datatype.
    • setDefaultSettings

      public void setDefaultSettings(Settings settings)
      Description copied from interface: BuiltInDataType
      Set the default settings for this data type.
      NOTE: This method is reserved for internal DB use.
      Specified by:
      setDefaultSettings in interface BuiltInDataType
      settings - the settings to be used as this dataTypes default settings.
    • isEquivalent

      public boolean isEquivalent(DataType dt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Check if the given datatype is equivalent to this datatype.

      The precise meaning of "equivalent" is datatype dependent.
      NOTE: if invoked by a DB object or manager it should be invoked on the DataTypeDB object passing the other datatype as the argument.

      Specified by:
      isEquivalent in interface DataType
      dt - the datatype being tested for equivalence.
      true if the if the given datatype is equivalent to this datatype.
    • dataTypeSizeChanged

      public void dataTypeSizeChanged(DataType dt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Notification that the given datatype's size has changed.

      DataTypes may need to make internal changes in response.
      TODO: This method is reserved for internal DB use.

      Specified by:
      dataTypeSizeChanged in interface DataType
      dataTypeSizeChanged in class AbstractDataType
      dt - the datatype that has changed.
    • setCategoryPath

      public final void setCategoryPath(CategoryPath path) throws DuplicateNameException
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Set the categoryPath associated with this datatype
      Specified by:
      setCategoryPath in interface DataType
      setCategoryPath in class AbstractDataType
      path - the new path
      DuplicateNameException - if an attempt to place this datatype into the specified category resulted in a name collision. This should not occur for non-DB DataType instances.
    • setName

      public final void setName(String name) throws InvalidNameException
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Sets the name of the datatype
      Specified by:
      setName in interface DataType
      setName in class AbstractDataType
      name - the new name for this datatype.
      InvalidNameException - if the given name does not form a valid name.
    • setNameAndCategory

      public final void setNameAndCategory(CategoryPath path, String name) throws InvalidNameException, DuplicateNameException
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Sets the name and category of a datatype at the same time.
      Specified by:
      setNameAndCategory in interface DataType
      setNameAndCategory in class AbstractDataType
      path - the new category path.
      name - the new name
      InvalidNameException - if the name is invalid
      DuplicateNameException - if name change on stored DataType is a duplicate of another datatype within the same category (only applies to DB stored DataType).
    • addParent

      public final void addParent(DataType dt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Inform this data type that it has the given parent
      TODO: This method is reserved for internal DB use.
      Specified by:
      addParent in interface DataType
      addParent in class DataTypeImpl
      dt - parent data type
    • removeParent

      public final void removeParent(DataType dt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Remove a parent datatype

      TODO: This method is reserved for internal DB use.

      Specified by:
      removeParent in interface DataType
      removeParent in class DataTypeImpl
      dt - parent datatype
    • dataTypeNameChanged

      public void dataTypeNameChanged(DataType dt, String oldName)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Informs this datatype that its name has changed from the indicated old name.

      TODO: This method is reserved for internal DB use.

      Specified by:
      dataTypeNameChanged in interface DataType
      dataTypeNameChanged in class AbstractDataType
      dt - the datatype whose name changed
      oldName - the datatype's old name
    • dataTypeReplaced

      public void dataTypeReplaced(DataType oldDt, DataType newDt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Informs this datatype that the given oldDT has been replaced with newDT

      TODO: This method is reserved for internal DB use.

      Specified by:
      dataTypeReplaced in interface DataType
      dataTypeReplaced in class AbstractDataType
      oldDt - old datatype
      newDt - new datatype
    • dataTypeDeleted

      public void dataTypeDeleted(DataType dt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Informs this datatype that the given datatype has been deleted.

      TODO: This method is reserved for internal DB use.

      Specified by:
      dataTypeDeleted in interface DataType
      dataTypeDeleted in class AbstractDataType
      dt - the datatype that has been deleted.
    • dependsOn

      public boolean dependsOn(DataType dt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Check if this datatype depends on the existence of the given datatype.

      For example byte[] depends on byte. If byte were deleted, then byte[] would also be deleted.

      Specified by:
      dependsOn in interface DataType
      dependsOn in class AbstractDataType
      dt - the datatype to test that this datatype depends on.
      true if the existence of this datatype relies on the existence of the specified datatype dt.
    • getUniversalID

      public UniversalID getUniversalID()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get the universal ID for this datatype.

      This value is intended to be a unique identifier across all programs and archives. The same ID indicates that two datatypes were originally the same one. Keep in mind names, categories, and component makeup may differ and have changed since there origin.

      Specified by:
      getUniversalID in interface DataType
      getUniversalID in class DataTypeImpl
      datatype UniversalID
    • getLastChangeTime

      public long getLastChangeTime()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get the timestamp corresponding to the last time this type was changed within its datatype manager
      Specified by:
      getLastChangeTime in interface DataType
      getLastChangeTime in class DataTypeImpl
      timestamp of last change within datatype manager
    • getDecompilerDisplayName

      public String getDecompilerDisplayName(DecompilerLanguage language)
      Return token used to represent this type in decompiler/source-code output
      language - is the language being displayed
      the name string
    • getCTypeDeclaration

      protected String getCTypeDeclaration(String typeName, String ctypeName, boolean useDefine)
    • getCTypeDeclaration

      protected String getCTypeDeclaration(String typeName, int typeLen, boolean signed, DataOrganization dataOrganization, boolean useDefine)
    • getCTypeDeclaration

      protected String getCTypeDeclaration(BuiltIn dt, boolean signed, DataOrganization dataOrganization, boolean useDefine)
    • getCTypeDeclaration

      public String getCTypeDeclaration(DataOrganization dataOrganization)
      Returns null for FactoryDataType (which should never be used) and Dynamic types which should generally be replaced by a primitive array (e.g., char[5]) or, a primitive pointer (e.g., char *). For other types an appropriately sized unsigned integer typedef is returned.
      Specified by:
      getCTypeDeclaration in interface BuiltInDataType
      dataOrganization - or null for default
      definition C-statement (e.g., #define or typedef) or null if type name is a standard C-primitive name or if type is FactoryDataType or Dynamic.
      See Also: