Class AbstractFloatDataType

All Implemented Interfaces:
BuiltInDataType, DataType, ExtensionPoint
Direct Known Subclasses:
DoubleDataType, Float10DataType, Float16DataType, Float2DataType, Float4DataType, Float8DataType, FloatDataType, LongDoubleDataType

public abstract class AbstractFloatDataType extends BuiltIn
Provides a definition of a Float within a program.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractFloatDataType

      public AbstractFloatDataType(String name, int encodedLength, DataTypeManager dtm)
      Abstract float datatype constructor
      name - name of the float datatype.
      encodedLength - the floating encoding length as number of 8-bit bytes.
      dtm - associated datatype manager which dictates the DataOrganization to be used. This argument may be null to adopt the default data organization.
  • Method Details

    • getMnemonic

      public String getMnemonic(Settings settings)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get the mnemonic for this DataType.
      Specified by:
      getMnemonic in interface DataType
      getMnemonic in class AbstractDataType
      settings - settings which may influence the result or null
      the mnemonic for this DataType.
    • buildIEEE754StandardDescription

      protected final String buildIEEE754StandardDescription()
    • buildDescription

      protected String buildDescription()
    • getDescription

      public final String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get a String briefly describing this DataType.
      a one-liner describing this DataType.
    • getValueClass

      public Class<?> getValueClass(Settings settings)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get the Class of the value Object to be returned by this datatype (see DataType.getValue(MemBuffer, Settings, int)).
      Specified by:
      getValueClass in interface DataType
      getValueClass in class DataTypeImpl
      settings - the relevant settings to use or null for default.
      Class of the value to be returned by this datatype or null if it can vary or is unspecified. Types which correspond to a string or char array will return the String class.
    • getLength

      public final int getLength()
      Get the encoded length (number of 8-bit bytes) of this float datatype.
      encoded length of this float datatype.
    • getValue

      public BigFloat getValue(MemBuffer buf, Settings settings, int length)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Returns the interpreted data value as an instance of the advertised value class.

      For instance, Pointer data types should return an Address object (or null), or integer data types should return a Scalar object.

      buf - the data buffer
      settings - the settings to use.
      length - indicates the maximum number of bytes that may be consumed by a Dynamic datatype, otherwise this value is ignored. A value of -1 may be specified to allow a Dynamic datatype to determine the length based upon the actual data bytes
      the data object, or null if data is invalid
    • isEncodable

      public boolean isEncodable()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Check if this type supports encoding (patching)

      If unsupported, DataType.encodeValue(Object, MemBuffer, Settings, int) and DataType.encodeRepresentation(String, MemBuffer, Settings, int) will always throw an exception. Actions which rely on either encode method should not be displayed if the applicable datatype is not encodable.

      Specified by:
      isEncodable in interface DataType
      isEncodable in class AbstractDataType
      true if encoding is supported
    • encodeValue

      public byte[] encodeValue(Object value, MemBuffer buf, Settings settings, int length) throws DataTypeEncodeException
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Encode bytes from an Object appropriate for this DataType.

      Converts the given object to the byte encoding and returns it. When appropriate, this should seek the nearest encoding to the specified value, since the object may come from a user script. For example, a floating-point value may be rounded. Invalid values should be rejected with a DataTypeEncodeException.

      Specified by:
      encodeValue in interface DataType
      encodeValue in class AbstractDataType
      value - the desired value.
      buf - a buffer representing the eventual destination of the bytes.
      settings - the settings to use.
      length - the expected length of the result, usually the length of the data unit, or -1 to let the type choose the length. It may be ignored, e.g., for fixed-length types.
      the encoded value.
      DataTypeEncodeException - if the value cannot be encoded for any reason, e.g., incorrect type, not enough space, buffer overflow, unsupported (see DataType.isEncodable()).
    • getRepresentation

      public String getRepresentation(MemBuffer buf, Settings settings, int length)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get bytes from memory in a printable format for this type.
      buf - the data.
      settings - the settings to use for the representation.
      length - the number of bytes to represent.
      the representation of the data in this format, never null.
    • encodeRepresentation

      public byte[] encodeRepresentation(String repr, MemBuffer buf, Settings settings, int length) throws DataTypeEncodeException
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Encode bytes according to the display format for this type.

      Converts the given representation to the byte encoding and returns it. When appropriate, this should seek the nearest encoding to the specified value, since the representation is likely coming from user input. For example, a floating-point value may be rounded. Invalid representations should be rejected with a DataTypeEncodeException.

      Specified by:
      encodeRepresentation in interface DataType
      encodeRepresentation in class AbstractDataType
      repr - the representation of the desired value, as in DataType.getRepresentation(MemBuffer, Settings, int). The supported formats depend on the specific datatype and its settings.
      buf - a buffer representing the eventual destination of the bytes.
      settings - the settings to use for the representation.
      length - the expected length of the result, usually the length of the data unit, or -1 to let the type choose the length. It may be ignored, e.g., for fixed-length types.
      the encoded value.
      DataTypeEncodeException - if the value cannot be encoded for any reason, e.g., incorrect format, not enough space, buffer overflow, unsupported (see DataType.isEncodable()).
    • getBuiltInSettingsDefinitions

      protected SettingsDefinition[] getBuiltInSettingsDefinitions()
      Description copied from class: BuiltIn
      Gets a list of all the settingsDefinitions used by this datatype.
      getBuiltInSettingsDefinitions in class BuiltIn
      a list of the settingsDefinitions used by this datatype.
    • getDefaultLabelPrefix

      public String getDefaultLabelPrefix()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Returns the appropriate string to use as the default label prefix in the absence of any data.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultLabelPrefix in interface DataType
      getDefaultLabelPrefix in class AbstractDataType
      the default label prefix or null if none specified.
    • getCTypeDeclaration

      public String getCTypeDeclaration(DataOrganization dataOrganization)
      Description copied from class: BuiltIn
      Returns null for FactoryDataType (which should never be used) and Dynamic types which should generally be replaced by a primitive array (e.g., char[5]) or, a primitive pointer (e.g., char *). For other types an appropriately sized unsigned integer typedef is returned.
      Specified by:
      getCTypeDeclaration in interface BuiltInDataType
      getCTypeDeclaration in class BuiltIn
      dataOrganization - or null for default
      definition C-statement (e.g., #define or typedef) or null if type name is a standard C-primitive name or if type is FactoryDataType or Dynamic.
      See Also:
    • getFloatDataType

      public static DataType getFloatDataType(int rawFormatByteSize, DataTypeManager dtm)
      Get a Float data-type instance with the requested raw format size in bytes. It is important that the "raw" format size is specified since the aligned-length used by compilers (e.g., sizeof()) may be larger and duplicated across different float formats. Example: an 80-bit (10-byte) float may have an aligned-length of 12 or 16-bytes based upon alignment requirements of a given compiler. This can result in multiple float types having the same aligned-length.
      rawFormatByteSize - raw float format size, unsupported sizes will cause an undefined type to be returned.
      dtm - optional program data-type manager, if specified a generic data-type will be returned if possible (i.e., float, double, long double).
      float data type of specified size
    • getFloatDataTypes

      public static AbstractFloatDataType[] getFloatDataTypes(DataTypeManager dtm)
      Returns all built-in floating-point data types
      dtm - optional program data-type manager, if specified generic data-types will be returned in place of fixed-sized data-types.
      array of floating-point data types