Class DataTypeInstance


public class DataTypeInstance extends Object
An instance of a DataType that is applicable for a given context. Most dataTypes are not context sensitive and are suitable for use anywhere. Others like dynamic structures need to create an instance that wraps the data type. It helps for situations where a data type must have a length.
  • Constructor Details

    • DataTypeInstance

      protected DataTypeInstance(DataType dt, int length)
      Create an instance of a data type with the given length.
      NOTE: fixed-length primitive datatypes assume raw datatype length intended for Data use.
      dt - data type
      length - fixed length of the data type
  • Method Details

    • getDataType

      public DataType getDataType()
      the data type
    • getLength

      public int getLength()
      the fixed length of the data type
    • setLength

      public void setLength(int length)
      Set the length of this data type instance
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getDataTypeInstance

      public static DataTypeInstance getDataTypeInstance(DataType dataType, MemBuffer buf, boolean useAlignedLength)
      Generate a data-type instance Factory and Dynamic data-types are NOT handled.
      This container does not dictate the placement of a fixed-length type within this container. It is suggested that big-endian use should evaulate the datatype at the far end of the container.
      dataType - data type
      buf - memory buffer
      useAlignedLength - if true a fixed-length primitive data type will use its aligned-length, otherwise it will use its raw length. NOTE: This generally only relates to float datatypes whose raw encoding length may be shorter than their aligned-length generally corresponding to a compiler's "sizeof(type)" value. This should generally be true for DataTypeComponent and false for simple Data instances.
      data-type instance or null if one could not be determined
    • getDataTypeInstance

      public static DataTypeInstance getDataTypeInstance(DataType dataType, int length, boolean useAlignedLength)
      Attempt to create a fixed-length data-type instance. Factory and non-sizable Dynamic data-types are NOT handled.
      This container does not dictate the placement of a fixed-length type within this container. It is suggested that big-endian use should evaulate the datatype at the far end of the container.
      dataType - data type
      length - length for sizable Dynamic data-types, otherwise ignored
      useAlignedLength - if true a fixed-length primitive data type will use its aligned-length, otherwise it will use its raw length. NOTE: This generally only relates to float datatypes whose raw encoding length may be shorter than their aligned-length generally corresponding to a compiler's "sizeof(type)" value. This should generally be true for DataTypeComponent and false for simple Data instances.
      data-type instance or null if unable to create instance.
    • getDataTypeInstance

      public static DataTypeInstance getDataTypeInstance(DataType dataType, MemBuffer buf, int length, boolean useAlignedLength)
      Attempt to create a data-type instance associated with a specific memory location. Factory and Dynamic data-types are handled.
      This container does not dictate the placement of a fixed-length type within this container. It is suggested that big-endian use should evaulate the datatype at the far end of the container.
      dataType - the data type
      buf - memory location
      length - length for sizable Dynamic data-types, otherwise ignored
      useAlignedLength - if true a fixed-length primitive data type will use its aligned-length, otherwise it will use its raw length. NOTE: This generally only relates to float datatypes whose raw encoding length may be shorter than their aligned-length generally corresponding to a compiler's "sizeof(type)" value. This should generally be true for DataTypeComponent and false for simple Data instances.
      data-type instance or null if unable to create instance.