Class RepeatedDynamicDataType

All Implemented Interfaces:
BuiltInDataType, DataType, Dynamic, ExtensionPoint

public abstract class RepeatedDynamicDataType extends DynamicDataType
Template for a repeated Dynamic Data Type. Base abstract data type for a Dynamic structure data type that contains some number of repeated data types. After each data type, including the header there is a terminator value which specifies whether there are any more data structures following. TerminatorValue can be 1,2,4,or 8 bytes. The dynamic structure looks like this: RepeatDynamicDataType Header TerminatorV1 RepDT1 TerminatorV2 RepDT2 ... RepDTN-1 TerminatorVN == TerminateValue
  • Field Details

    • description

      protected String description
    • baseStruct

      protected DataType baseStruct
    • terminatorValue

      protected long terminatorValue
    • terminatorSize

      protected int terminatorSize
  • Constructor Details

    • RepeatedDynamicDataType

      public RepeatedDynamicDataType(String name, String description, DataType header, DataType baseStruct, long terminatorValue, int terminatorSize, DataTypeManager dtm)
      Construct Repeat Dynamic Data Type Template.
      name - name of this data type
      description - description of the data type
      header - header data type
      baseStruct - repeated structure following the data type
      terminatorValue - value to terminate repeats on
      terminatorSize - size of the value
  • Method Details