Class TranslationSettingsDefinition

All Implemented Interfaces:
EnumSettingsDefinition, SettingsDefinition

public class TranslationSettingsDefinition extends JavaEnumSettingsDefinition<TranslationSettingsDefinition.TRANSLATION_ENUM>
SettingsDefinition for translation display, handles both the toggle of "show" vs "don't show", as well as accessing the translated value.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • isShowTranslated

      public boolean isShowTranslated(Settings settings)
    • setShowTranslated

      public void setShowTranslated(Settings settings, boolean shouldShowTranslatedValue)
    • hasTranslatedValue

      public boolean hasTranslatedValue(Data data)
      Determine if a translated string value has been set at the specified address.
      data - defined string data which may have a translation
      true if translated string has been stored else false
    • getTranslatedValue

      public String getTranslatedValue(Data data)
      Get the translated string value which been set at the specified address.
      data - defined string data which may have a translation
      translated string value or null
    • setTranslatedValue

      public void setTranslatedValue(Data data, String translatedValue)
      Set the translated string value at the specified address.
      data - defined string data which may have a translation
      translatedValue - translated string value or null to clear