Interface TypeDefSettingsDefinition

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AddressSpaceSettingsDefinition, ComponentOffsetSettingsDefinition, OffsetMaskSettingsDefinition, OffsetShiftSettingsDefinition, PointerTypeSettingsDefinition

public interface TypeDefSettingsDefinition extends SettingsDefinition
TypeDefSettingsDefinition specifies a SettingsDefinition whose use as a TypeDef setting will be available for use within a non-Program DataType archive. Such settings will be considered for DataType equivalence checks and preserved during DataType cloning and resolve processing. As such, these settings are only currently supported as a default-setting on a TypeDef (see DataType.getDefaultSettings()) and do not support component-specific or data-instance use. NOTE: Full support for this type of setting has only been fully implemented for TypeDef in support. There may be quite a few obstacles to overcome when introducing such settings to a different datatype.
  • Method Details

    • getAttributeSpecification

      String getAttributeSpecification(Settings settings)
      Get the TypeDef attribute specification for this setting and its current value.
      settings - typedef settings
      attribute specification or null if not currently set.