Interface TypeDef

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPointerTypedefBuiltIn, IBO32DataType, IBO64DataType, PointerTypedef, TypedefDataType

public interface TypeDef extends DataType
The typedef interface
  • Method Details

    • isAutoNamed

      boolean isAutoNamed()
      Determine if this datatype use auto-naming (e.g., see PointerTypedef). If true, any change to associated TypeDefSettingsDefinition settings or naming of the pointer-referenced datatype will cause a automatic renaming of this datatype.
      true if auto-named, else false.
    • enableAutoNaming

      void enableAutoNaming()
      Enable auto-naming for this typedef. This will force naming to reflect the name of associated datatype plus an attribute list which corresponds to any TypeDefSettingsDefinition settings which may be set.
    • getDataType

      DataType getDataType()
      Returns the dataType that this typedef is based on. This could be another typedef
      the datatype which this typedef is based on (may be another TypeDef).
    • getBaseDataType

      DataType getBaseDataType()
      Returns the non-typedef dataType that this typedef is based on, following chains of typedefs as necessary.
      the datatype which this typedef is based on (will not be another TypeDef).
    • isPointer

      default boolean isPointer()
      Determine if this is a Pointer-TypeDef
      true if base datatype is a pointer
    • hasSameTypeDefSettings

      default boolean hasSameTypeDefSettings(TypeDef dt)
      Compare the settings of two datatypes which correspond to a TypeDefSettingsDefinition.

      NOTE: It is required that both datatypes present their settings definitions in the same order (see DataType.getSettingsDefinitions()) to be considered the same.

      dt - other typedef to compare with
      true if both datatypes have the same settings defined which correspond to TypeDefSettingsDefinition and have the same values, else false.