Class InstructionSet

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InstructionSet extends Object implements Iterable<InstructionBlock>
A set of instructions organized as a graph of basic blocks.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • addBlock

      public void addBlock(InstructionBlock block)
      Add an Instruction block to this Instruction Set. If the block is empty it will only be added to the empty-list and will not be added to the maps or block iterator
      block - the block to add.
    • getInstructionBlockContaining

      public InstructionBlock getInstructionBlockContaining(Address address)
      Returns the non-empty InstructionBlock containing the specified address
      address -
      the InstructionBlock containing the specified address or null if not found
    • findFirstIntersectingBlock

      public InstructionBlock findFirstIntersectingBlock(Address min, Address max)
      Find the first block within this InstructionSet which intersects the specified range. This method should be used sparingly since it uses a brute-force search.
      min - the minimum intersection address
      max - the maximum intersection address
      block within this InstructionSet which intersects the specified range or null if not found
    • getInstructionAt

      public Instruction getInstructionAt(Address address)
      Returns the instruction at the specified address within this instruction set
      address -
      instruction at the specified address within this instruction set or null if not found
    • getMinAddress

      public Address getMinAddress()
      Returns the minimum address for this Instruction set;
      the minimum address for this Instruction set;
    • getAddressSet

      public AddressSetView getAddressSet()
      Returns the address set that makes up all the instructions contained in this set.
      the address set that makes up all the instructions contained in this set.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getInstructionCount

      public int getInstructionCount()
      Returns the number of instructions in this instruction set.
      the number of instructions in this instruction set.
    • containsBlockAt

      public boolean containsBlockAt(Address blockAddr)
    • intersects

      public boolean intersects(Address minAddress, Address maxAddress)
      Returns true if this instruction set intersects the specified range
      minAddress -
      maxAddress -
      true if this instruction set intersects the specified range
    • iterator

      public Iterator<InstructionBlock> iterator()
      Returns an iterator over the blocks in this Instruction set, giving preference to fall through flows. This iterator will not follow any flows from a block that has a conflict. If the last block returned from the iterator is marked as a conflict before the next() or hasNext() methods are called, then this iterator will respect the conflict. In other words, this iterator follows block flows on the fly and doesn't pre-compute the blocks to return. Also, if any blocks in this set don't have a flow to path from the start block, it will not be included in this iterator.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<InstructionBlock>
    • emptyBlockIterator

      public Iterator<InstructionBlock> emptyBlockIterator()
      Returns an iterator over all empty blocks which likely contain a conflict error.
      empty block iterator
    • getConflicts

      public List<InstructionError> getConflicts()
      Returns a list of conflicts for this set. If a block is not reachable from a non-conflicted block, it's conflicts(if any) will not be included.
      the list of conflicts for this set.