Class ParameterPieces


public class ParameterPieces extends Object
Basic elements of a parameter: address, data-type, properties
  • Field Details

    • address

      public Address address
    • type

      public DataType type
    • joinPieces

      public Varnode[] joinPieces
    • isThisPointer

      public boolean isThisPointer
    • hiddenReturnPtr

      public boolean hiddenReturnPtr
    • isIndirect

      public boolean isIndirect
  • Constructor Details

    • ParameterPieces

      public ParameterPieces()
  • Method Details

    • swapMarkup

      public void swapMarkup(ParameterPieces op)
      Swap data-type markup between this and another parameter Swap any data-type and flags, but leave the storage address intact. This assumes the two parameters are the same size.
      op - is the other parameter to swap with this.
    • getVariableStorage

      public VariableStorage getVariableStorage(Program program)