Class GlobalSymbolMap


public class GlobalSymbolMap extends Object
A container for global symbols in the decompiler's model of a function. It contains HighSymbol objects for any symbol accessed by the particular function that is in either the global scope or some other global namespace. Currently the container is populated indirectly from the HighGlobal objects marshaled back from the decompiler, using either the populateSymbol() or newSymbol() methods. HighSymbols are stored by Address and by id, which matches the formal SymbolDB id when it exists.
  • Constructor Details

    • GlobalSymbolMap

      public GlobalSymbolMap(HighFunction f)
      Construct a global symbol map attached to a particular function model.
      f - is the decompiler function model
  • Method Details

    • populateSymbol

      public HighSymbol populateSymbol(long id, DataType dataType, int sz)
      Create a HighSymbol based on the id of the underlying Ghidra Symbol. The Symbol is looked up in the SymbolTable and then a HighSymbol is created with the name and dataType associated with the Symbol. If a Symbol cannot be found, null is returned.
      id - is the database id of the CodeSymbol
      dataType - is the recovered data-type of the symbol
      sz - is the size in bytes of the desired symbol
      the CodeSymbol wrapped as a HighSymbol or null
    • populateAnnotation

      public void populateAnnotation(Varnode vn)
      Some Varnode annotations refer to global symbols. Check if there is symbol at the Varnode address and, if there is, create a corresponding HighSymbol
      vn - is the annotation Varnode
    • newSymbol

      public HighCodeSymbol newSymbol(long id, Address addr, DataType dataType, int sz)
      Create a HighSymbol corresponding to an underlying Data object. The name of the symbol is generated dynamically. A symbol is always returned unless the address is invalid, in which case null is returned.
      id - is the id to associate with the new symbol
      addr - is the address of the Data object
      dataType - is the recovered data-type of the symbol
      sz - is the size in bytes of the symbol
      the new HighSymbol or null
    • getSymbol

      public HighSymbol getSymbol(long id)
      Retrieve a HighSymbol based on an id
      id - is the id
      the matching HighSymbol or null
    • getSymbol

      public HighSymbol getSymbol(Address addr)
      Retrieve a HighSymbol based on an Address
      addr - is the given Address
      the matching HighSymbol or null
    • getSymbols

      public Iterator<HighSymbol> getSymbols()
      Get an iterator over all HighSymbols in this container
      the iterator