Class HighSymbol

Direct Known Subclasses:
EquateSymbol, HighCodeSymbol, HighExternalSymbol, HighFunctionShellSymbol, HighFunctionSymbol, HighLabelSymbol, UnionFacetSymbol

public class HighSymbol extends Object
A symbol within the decompiler's model of a particular function. The symbol has a name and a data-type along with other properties. The symbol is mapped to one or more storage locations by attaching a SymbolEntry for each mapping.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • HighSymbol

      protected HighSymbol(HighFunction func)
      Constructor for use with restoreXML
      func - is the HighFunction using the symbol
    • HighSymbol

      protected HighSymbol(long uniqueId, String nm, DataType tp, HighFunction func)
      Construct a base symbol, given a name and data-type. Mappings must be attached separately.
      uniqueId - is the id to associate with the new symbol
      nm - is the given name
      tp - is the given data-type
      func - is the function model owning the new symbol
    • HighSymbol

      protected HighSymbol(long uniqueId, String nm, DataType tp, boolean tlock, boolean nlock, PcodeDataTypeManager manage)
      Construct a symbol that is not attached to a function model. The symbol is given a name, data-type, and other basic attributes. Mappings must be attached separately.
      uniqueId - is the id to associate with the new symbol
      nm - is the given name
      tp - is the given data-type
      tlock - is true if the symbol is type locked
      nlock - is true if the symbol is name locked
      manage - is a PcodeDataTypeManager to facilitate XML marshaling
  • Method Details

    • addMapEntry

      protected void addMapEntry(SymbolEntry entry)
    • getId

      public long getId()
      Get id associated with this symbol.
      the id
    • getSymbol

      public Symbol getSymbol()
      Fetch the corresponding database Symbol if it exists.
      the matching Symbol object or null
    • getNamespace

      public Namespace getNamespace()
      Fetch the namespace owning this symbol, if it exists.
      the Namespace object or null
    • getHighVariable

      public HighVariable getHighVariable()
      Get the HighVariable associate with this symbol if any. The symbol may have multiple partial HighVariables associated with it. This method returns the biggest one, which may not be the same size as the symbol itself.
      the associated HighVariable or null
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Get the base name of this symbol
      the name
    • getProgram

      public Program getProgram()
      Get the Program object containing the function being modeled.
      the Program
    • getDataType

      public DataType getDataType()
      the data-type associate with this symbol
    • getSize

      public int getSize()
      the number of bytes consumed by the storage for this symbol
    • getPCAddress

      public Address getPCAddress()
      Get the first code Address, within the function, where this symbol's storage actually holds the value of the symbol. If there is more than one mapping for the symbol, this returns the code Address for the first mapping. A null value indicates that the storage is valid over the whole function (at least). If the value is non-null, the symbol storage may be used for other purposes at prior locations.
      the first use code Address or null
    • getFirstUseOffset

      protected int getFirstUseOffset()
      Get the first code Address (expressed as a different in bytes from the starting address of the function) where this symbol's storage actually holds the value of the symbol. A value of 0 indicates that the storage is valid across the entire function. A negative value indicates the storage is an input to the function.
      the first-use offset of this symbol's storage
    • getHighFunction

      public HighFunction getHighFunction()
      Get the function model of which this symbol is a part.
      the HighFunction owning this symbol
    • setCategory

      protected void setCategory(int cat, int index)
      Set the category and associated index for this symbol. The category indicates a specific sub-class of symbols. Currently -1=none, 0=parameter, 1=equate
      cat - is the category
      index - is the category index ("slot" for parameters)
    • setTypeLock

      public void setTypeLock(boolean typelock)
      Set whether this symbol's data-type is considered "locked". If it is "locked", this symbol's data-type is considered unchangeable during decompilation. The data-type will be forced into the decompiler's model of the function to the extent possible.
      typelock - is true if the data-type should be considered "locked".
    • setNameLock

      public void setNameLock(boolean namelock)
      Set whether this symbol's name is considered "locked". If it is "locked", the decompiler will use the name when labeling the storage described by this symbol.
      namelock - is true if the name should be considered "locked".
    • isTypeLocked

      public boolean isTypeLocked()
      If this returns true, this symbol's data-type is "locked", meaning it is considered unchangeable during decompilation. The data-type will be forced into the decompiler's model of the function to the extent possible.
      true if the data-type is considered "locked".
    • isNameLocked

      public boolean isNameLocked()
      If this returns true, this symbol's name is "locked". meaning the decompiler is forced to use the name when labeling the storage described by this symbol.
      true if the name is considered "locked".
    • isIsolated

      public boolean isIsolated()
      If this returns true, the decompiler will not speculatively merge this with other variables. Currently, being isolated is equivalent to being typelocked.
      true if this will not be merged with other variables
    • getMutability

      public int getMutability()
      Return one of - MutabilitySettingsDefinition.NORMAL - MutabilitySettingsDefinition.VOLATILE - MutabilitySettingsDefinition.CONSTANT
      the mutability setting
    • isParameter

      public boolean isParameter()
      Is this symbol a parameter for a function
      true if this is a parameter
    • getCategoryIndex

      public int getCategoryIndex()
      For parameters (category=0), this method returns the position of the parameter within the function prototype.
      the category index for this symbol
    • isGlobal

      public boolean isGlobal()
      Is this symbol in the global scope or some other global namespace
      true if this is global
    • isThisPointer

      public boolean isThisPointer()
      true if symbol is a "this" pointer for a class method
    • isHiddenReturn

      public boolean isHiddenReturn()
      true is symbol holds a pointer to where a function's return value should be stored
    • getFirstWholeMap

      public SymbolEntry getFirstWholeMap()
      the first mapping object attached to this symbol
    • getStorage

      public VariableStorage getStorage()
      the storage associated with this symbol (associated with the first mapping)
    • encodeHeader

      protected void encodeHeader(Encoder encoder) throws IOException
      Encode attributes for the base symbol element
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream
    • encode

      public void encode(Encoder encoder) throws IOException
      Encode the symbol description as an element to the stream. This does NOT save the mappings.
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream
    • decodeHeader

      protected void decodeHeader(Decoder decoder) throws DecoderException
    • decode

      public void decode(Decoder decoder) throws DecoderException
      Decode this symbol object and its associated mappings from the stream.
      decoder - is the stream decoder
      DecoderException - for invalid encodings
    • decodeMapSym

      public static HighSymbol decodeMapSym(Decoder decoder, boolean isGlobal, HighFunction high) throws DecoderException
      Restore a full HighSymbol from the next <mapsym> element in the stream. This method acts as a HighSymbol factory, instantiating the correct class based on the particular elements.
      decoder - is the stream decoder
      isGlobal - is true if this symbol is being read into a global scope
      high - is the function model that will own the new symbol
      the new symbol
      DecoderException - for invalid encodings
    • encodeMapSym

      public static void encodeMapSym(Encoder encoder, HighSymbol sym) throws IOException
      Encode the given symbol with all its mapping as a <mapsym> element to the stream.
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      sym - is the given symbol
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream