Interface SourceMapEntry

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public interface SourceMapEntry extends Comparable<SourceMapEntry>
A SourceMapEntry consists of a SourceFile, a line number, a base address, and a length. If the length is positive, the base address and the length determine an AddressRange. In this case, the length of a SourceMapEntry is the length of the associated AddressRange, i.e., the number of Addresses in the range (see AddressRange.getLength()). The intent is that the range contains all of the bytes corresponding to a given line of source. The length of a SourceMapEntry can be 0, in which case the associated range is null. Negative lengths are not allowed.

The baseAddress of a range must occur within a memory block of the program, as must each address within the range of a SourceMapEntry. A range may span multiple (contiguous) memory blocks.

If the ranges of two entries (with non-zero lengths) intersect, then the ranges must be identical. The associated SourceFiles and/or line numbers can be different.

Entries with length zero do not conflict with other entries and may occur within the range of another entry.

For a fixed source file, line number, base address, and length, there must be only one SourceMapEntry.

SourceMapEntry objects are created using the SourceFileManager for a program, which must enforce the restrictions listed above.

  • Method Details

    • getLineNumber

      int getLineNumber()
      Returns the line number.
      line number
    • getSourceFile

      SourceFile getSourceFile()
      Returns the source file
      source file
    • getBaseAddress

      Address getBaseAddress()
      Returns the base address of the entry
      base address
    • getLength

      long getLength()
      Returns the length of the range (number of addresses)
    • getRange

      AddressRange getRange()
      Returns the address range, or null for length 0 entries
      address range or null