Interface ReferenceManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ReferenceManager
Interface for managing references.
  • Field Details


      static final int MNEMONIC
      Operand index which corresponds to the instruction/data mnemonic.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addReference

      Reference addReference(Reference reference)
      Add a memory, stack, register or external reference
      reference - reference to be added
      new reference
    • addStackReference

      Reference addStackReference(Address fromAddr, int opIndex, int stackOffset, RefType type, SourceType source)
      Add a reference to a stack location. If a reference already exists for the fromAddr and opIndex, the existing reference is replaced with the new reference.
      fromAddr - "from" address within a function
      opIndex - operand index
      stackOffset - stack offset of the reference
      type - reference type - how the location is being referenced.
      source - the source of this reference
      new stack reference
    • addRegisterReference

      Reference addRegisterReference(Address fromAddr, int opIndex, Register register, RefType type, SourceType source)
      Add a reference to a register. If a reference already exists for the fromAddr and opIndex, the existing reference is replaced with the new reference.
      fromAddr - "from" address
      opIndex - operand index
      register - register to add the reference to
      type - reference type - how the location is being referenced.
      source - the source of this reference
      new register reference
    • addMemoryReference

      Reference addMemoryReference(Address fromAddr, Address toAddr, RefType type, SourceType source, int opIndex)
      Adds a memory reference. The first memory reference placed on an operand will be made primary by default. All non-memory references will be removed from the specified operand. Certain reference types may not be specified (e.g., RefType.FALL_THROUGH).
      fromAddr - address of the codeunit where the reference occurs
      toAddr - address of the location being referenced. Memory, stack, and register addresses are all permitted.
      type - reference type - how the location is being referenced.
      source - the source of this reference
      opIndex - the operand index display of the operand making this reference
      new memory reference
      IllegalArgumentException - if unsupported type is specified
    • addOffsetMemReference

      Reference addOffsetMemReference(Address fromAddr, Address toAddr, boolean toAddrIsBase, long offset, RefType type, SourceType source, int opIndex)
      Add an offset memory reference. The first memory reference placed on an operand will be made primary by default. All non-memory references will be removed from the specified operand. If toAddr corresponds to the EXTERNAL memory block (see MemoryBlock.EXTERNAL_BLOCK_NAME) the resulting offset reference will report to/base address as the same regardless of specified offset.
      fromAddr - address for the "from"
      toAddr - address of the location being referenced.
      toAddrIsBase - if true toAddr is treated as base address, else treated as (base+offet). It is generally preferred to specify as a base address to ensure proper handling of EXTERNAL block case.
      offset - value added to a base address to get the toAddr
      type - reference type - how the location is being referenced
      source - the source of this reference
      opIndex - the operand index
      new offset reference
    • addShiftedMemReference

      Reference addShiftedMemReference(Address fromAddr, Address toAddr, int shiftValue, RefType type, SourceType source, int opIndex)
      Add a shifted memory reference; the "to" address is computed as the value at the operand at opIndex shifted by some number of bits, specified in the shiftValue parameter. The first memory reference placed on an operand will be made primary by default. All non-memory references will be removed from the specified operand.
      fromAddr - source/from memory address
      toAddr - destination/to memory address computed as some base offset value shifted left by the number of bits specified by shiftValue. The least-significant bits of toAddr offset should be 0's based upon the specified shiftValue since this value is shifted right to calculate the base offset value.
      shiftValue - number of bits to shift
      type - reference type - how the location is being referenced
      source - the source of this reference
      opIndex - the operand index
      new shifted reference
    • addExternalReference

      Reference addExternalReference(Address fromAddr, String libraryName, String extLabel, Address extAddr, SourceType source, int opIndex, RefType type) throws InvalidInputException, DuplicateNameException
      Adds an external reference to an external symbol. If a reference already exists at fromAddr and opIndex the existing reference is replaced with a new reference. If the external symbol cannot be found, a new Library and/or ExternalLocation symbol will be created which corresponds to the specified library/file named libraryName and the location within that file identified by extLabel and/or its memory address extAddr. Either or both extLabel or extAddr must be specified.
      fromAddr - from memory address (source of the reference)
      libraryName - name of external program
      extLabel - label within the external program, may be null if extAddr is not null
      extAddr - memory address within the external program, may be null
      source - the source of this reference
      opIndex - operand index
      type - reference type - how the location is being referenced
      new external space reference
      InvalidInputException - if libraryName is invalid or null, or an invalid extlabel is specified. Names with spaces or the empty string are not permitted. Neither extLabel nor extAddr was specified properly.
      DuplicateNameException - if another non-Library namespace has the same name
      IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid extAddr was specified.
    • addExternalReference

      Reference addExternalReference(Address fromAddr, Namespace extNamespace, String extLabel, Address extAddr, SourceType source, int opIndex, RefType type) throws InvalidInputException, DuplicateNameException
      Adds an external reference. If a reference already exists for the fromAddr and opIndex, the existing reference is replaced with the new reference.
      fromAddr - from memory address (source of the reference)
      extNamespace - external namespace containing the named external label.
      extLabel - label within the external program, may be null if extAddr is not null
      extAddr - address within the external program, may be null
      source - the source of this reference
      opIndex - operand index
      type - reference type - how the location is being referenced
      new external space reference
      InvalidInputException - if an invalid extlabel is specified. Names with spaces or the empty string are not permitted. Neither extLabel nor extAddr was specified properly.
      DuplicateNameException - if another non-Library namespace has the same name
      IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid extAddr was specified.
    • addExternalReference

      Reference addExternalReference(Address fromAddr, int opIndex, ExternalLocation location, SourceType source, RefType type) throws InvalidInputException
      Adds an external reference. If a reference already exists for the fromAddr and opIndex, the existing reference is replaced with the new reference.
      fromAddr - from memory address (source of the reference)
      opIndex - operand index
      location - external location
      source - the source of this reference
      type - reference type - how the location is being referenced
      external reference
    • removeAllReferencesFrom

      void removeAllReferencesFrom(Address beginAddr, Address endAddr)
      Removes all references where "From address" is in the given range.
      beginAddr - the first address in the range.
      endAddr - the last address in the range.
    • removeAllReferencesFrom

      void removeAllReferencesFrom(Address fromAddr)
      Remove all stack, external, and memory references for the given from address.
      fromAddr - the address of the codeunit from which to remove all references.
    • removeAllReferencesTo

      void removeAllReferencesTo(Address toAddr)
      Remove all stack, external, and memory references for the given to address.
      toAddr - the address for which all references to should be removed.
    • getReferencesTo

      Reference[] getReferencesTo(Variable var)
      Returns all references to the given variable. Only data references to storage are considered.
      var - variable to retrieve references to
      array of variable references, or zero length array if no references exist
    • getReferencedVariable

      Variable getReferencedVariable(Reference reference)
      Returns the referenced function variable.
      reference - variable reference
      function variable or null if variable not found
    • setPrimary

      void setPrimary(Reference ref, boolean isPrimary)
      Set the given reference's primary attribute
      ref - the reference to make primary.
      isPrimary - true to make the reference primary, false to make it non-primary
    • hasFlowReferencesFrom

      boolean hasFlowReferencesFrom(Address addr)
      Return whether the given address has flow references from it.
      addr - the address to test for flow references.
      true if the given address has flow references from it, else false
    • getFlowReferencesFrom

      Reference[] getFlowReferencesFrom(Address addr)
      Get all flow references from the given address.
      addr - the address of the codeunit to get all flows from.
      get all flow references from the given address.
    • getExternalReferences

      ReferenceIterator getExternalReferences()
      Returns an iterator over all external space references
      reference iterator over all external space references
    • getReferencesTo

      ReferenceIterator getReferencesTo(Address addr)
      Get an iterator over all references that have the given address as their "To" address.
      addr - the address that all references in the iterator refer to.
      reference iterator over all references to the specified address.
    • getReferenceIterator

      ReferenceIterator getReferenceIterator(Address startAddr)
      Get an iterator over references starting with the specified fromAddr. A forward iterator is returned with references sorted on the from address.
      startAddr - the first from address to consider.
      a forward memory reference iterator.
    • getReference

      Reference getReference(Address fromAddr, Address toAddr, int opIndex)
      Get the reference that has the given from and to address, and operand index.
      fromAddr - the address of the codeunit making the reference.
      toAddr - the address being referred to.
      opIndex - the operand index.
      reference which satisfies the specified criteria or null
    • getReferencesFrom

      Reference[] getReferencesFrom(Address addr)
      Get all references "from" the specified addr.
      addr - address of code-unit making the references.
      array of all references "from" the specified addr.
    • getReferencesFrom

      Reference[] getReferencesFrom(Address fromAddr, int opIndex)
      Returns all references "from" the given fromAddr and operand (specified by opIndex).
      fromAddr - the from which to get references
      opIndex - the operand from which to get references
      all references "from" the given fromAddr and operand.
    • hasReferencesFrom

      boolean hasReferencesFrom(Address fromAddr, int opIndex)
      Returns true if there are any memory references at the given address/opIndex. Keep in mind this is a rather inefficient method as it must examine all references from the specified fromAddr.
      fromAddr - the address of the codeunit being tested
      opIndex - the index of the operand being tested.
      true if one or more reference from the specified address and opindex are defined, else false
    • hasReferencesFrom

      boolean hasReferencesFrom(Address fromAddr)
      Returns true if there are any memory references at the given address.
      fromAddr - the address of the codeunit being tested
      true if one or more reference from the specified address are defined, else false
    • getPrimaryReferenceFrom

      Reference getPrimaryReferenceFrom(Address addr, int opIndex)
      Get the primary reference from the given address.
      addr - from address
      opIndex - operand index
      the primary reference from the specified address and opindex if it exists, else null
    • getReferenceSourceIterator

      AddressIterator getReferenceSourceIterator(Address startAddr, boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over addresses that are the "From" address in a reference
      startAddr - address to position iterator.
      forward - true means to iterate in the forward direction
      address iterator where references from exist
    • getReferenceSourceIterator

      AddressIterator getReferenceSourceIterator(AddressSetView addrSet, boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over all addresses that are the "From" address in a reference, restricted by the given address set.
      addrSet - the set of address to restrict the iterator or null for all addresses.
      forward - true means to iterate in the forward direction address iterator where references from exist
      address iterator where references from exist constrained by addrSet
    • getReferenceDestinationIterator

      AddressIterator getReferenceDestinationIterator(Address startAddr, boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over all addresses that are the "To" address in a reference.
      startAddr - start of iterator
      forward - true means to iterate in the forward direction address iterator where references to exist
      address iterator where references to exist
    • getReferenceDestinationIterator

      AddressIterator getReferenceDestinationIterator(AddressSetView addrSet, boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over all addresses that are the "To" address in a memory reference, restricted by the given address set.
      addrSet - the set of address to restrict the iterator or null for all addresses.
      forward - true means to iterate in the forward direction
      address iterator where references to exist constrained by addrSet
    • getReferenceCountTo

      int getReferenceCountTo(Address toAddr)
      Returns the number of references to the specified toAddr.
      toAddr - the address being referenced
      the number of references to the specified toAddr.
    • getReferenceCountFrom

      int getReferenceCountFrom(Address fromAddr)
      Returns the number of references from the specified fromAddr.
      fromAddr - the address of the codeunit making the reference.
      the number of references from the specified fromAddr.
    • getReferenceDestinationCount

      int getReferenceDestinationCount()
      Return the number of references for "to" addresses.
    • getReferenceSourceCount

      int getReferenceSourceCount()
      Return the number of references for "from" addresses.
    • hasReferencesTo

      boolean hasReferencesTo(Address toAddr)
      Return true if a memory reference exists with the given "to" address.
      toAddr - address being referred to.
      true if specified toAddr has one or more references to it, else false.
    • updateRefType

      Reference updateRefType(Reference ref, RefType refType)
      Uodate the reference type on a memory reference.
      ref - reference to be updated
      refType - new reference type
      updated reference
    • setAssociation

      void setAssociation(Symbol s, Reference ref)
      Associates the given reference with the given symbol. Applies to memory references only where a specified label symbol must have an address which matches the reference to-address. Stack and register reference associations to variable symbols are always inferred.
      s - the symbol to associate with the given reference.
      ref - the reference to associate with the given symbol
      IllegalArgumentException - If the given reference does not already exist or its "To" address is not the same as the symbol's address.
    • removeAssociation

      void removeAssociation(Reference ref)
      Removes any symbol associations with the given reference.
      ref - the reference for which any symbol association is to be removed.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given references does not exist.
    • delete

      void delete(Reference ref)
      Deletes the given reference object
      ref - the reference to be deleted.
    • getReferenceLevel

      byte getReferenceLevel(Address toAddr)
      Returns the reference level for the references to the given address
      toAddr - the address at which to find the highest reference level
      reference level for specified to address.