Class AcyclicCallGraphBuilder


public class AcyclicCallGraphBuilder extends Object
Class to build an DependencyGraph base on a acyclic function call graph. This is useful when you want to process functions "bottom up".
  • Constructor Details

    • AcyclicCallGraphBuilder

      public AcyclicCallGraphBuilder(Program program, boolean killThunks)
      Creates a DependencyGraph of all functions in a program based on the call graph.
      program - the program to create an acyclic call graph
      killThunks - true if thunked functions should be eliminated from the graph
    • AcyclicCallGraphBuilder

      public AcyclicCallGraphBuilder(Program program, AddressSetView set, boolean killThunks)
      Creates a DependencyGraph of all functions in the given addressSet based on the call graph. Calls to or from functions outside the given address set are ignored.
      program - the program to create an acyclic call graph
      set - the address to restrict the call graph.
      killThunks - true if thunked functions should be eliminated from the graph
    • AcyclicCallGraphBuilder

      public AcyclicCallGraphBuilder(Program program, Collection<Function> functions, boolean killThunks)
      Creates a DependencyGraph of all functions in the given set of functions based on the call graph. Calls to or from functions not in the given set are ignored.
      program - the program to create an acyclic call graph
      functions - the set of functions to include in the call graph.
      killThunks - true if thunked functions should be eliminated from the graph
  • Method Details

    • getDependencyGraph

      public AbstractDependencyGraph<Address> getDependencyGraph(TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Builds the DependencyGraph for the acyclic call graph represented by this object.
      monitor - the taskMonitor to use for reporting progress or cancelling.
      the DependencyGraph for the acyclic call graph represented by this object.
      CancelledException - if the monitor was cancelled.