Interface AddressSetPropertyMap

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public interface AddressSetPropertyMap
Defines methods to mark ranges in a property map.
  • Method Details

    • add

      void add(Address start, Address end)
      Add the address range to the property map.
      start - start of the range
      end - end of the range
    • add

      void add(AddressSetView addressSet)
      Add the address set to the property map.
      addressSet - address set to add
    • set

      void set(AddressSetView addressSet)
      Clear the property map and set it with the given address set.
      addressSet - address set to use
    • remove

      void remove(Address start, Address end)
      Remove the address range from the property map.
      start - start of the range
      end - end of the range
    • remove

      void remove(AddressSetView addressSet)
      Remove the address set from the property map.
      addressSet - address set to remove
    • getAddressSet

      AddressSet getAddressSet()
      Return the address set for the property map.
    • getAddresses

      AddressIterator getAddresses()
      Return an address iterator over the property map.
    • getAddressRanges

      AddressRangeIterator getAddressRanges()
      Return an address range iterator over the property map.
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clear the property map.
    • contains

      boolean contains(Address addr)
      Return whether the property map contains the given address.
      addr - address to check