Class EquateOperandFieldLocation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Comparable<ProgramLocation>

public class EquateOperandFieldLocation extends OperandFieldLocation
A simple version of OperandFieldLocation that allows us to store equate information.
  • Constructor Details

    • EquateOperandFieldLocation

      public EquateOperandFieldLocation(Program program, Address addr, Address refAddr, String rep, Equate equate, int opIndex, int subOpIndex, int charOffset)
      program - The program
      addr - the address of the location
      refAddr - the reference address.
      rep - the representation of the equate location
      equate - the equate object.
      opIndex - the operand index
      subOpIndex - the operand subOpIndex
      charOffset - the character offset in to subOpPiece.
    • EquateOperandFieldLocation

      public EquateOperandFieldLocation()
      Default constructor needed for restoring an operand field location from XML.
  • Method Details