Interface JavaProperty<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
BooleanJavaProperty, ByteJavaProperty, CharacterJavaProperty, DoubleJavaProperty, FloatJavaProperty, IntegerJavaProperty, LongJavaProperty, ObjectJavaProperty, ShortJavaProperty

public sealed interface JavaProperty<T>
Property interface for creating a Python property for getters and setters. Each implementation is required to have a defined fget method which returns the corresponding primitive type. By doing so we can utilize Python duck typing, auto boxing/unboxing and the Jpype conversion system to automatically convert the primitive return types to the equivalent Python type. This removes the headache of having to carefully and explicitly cast things to an int to avoid exceptions in Python code related to type conversion or type attributes. The fget and fset methods are named to correspond with the fget and fset members of Python's property type.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    fset(Object self, T value)
    The method to be used as the fset value for a Python property.
  • Method Details

    • fset

      void fset(Object self, T value) throws Throwable
      The method to be used as the fset value for a Python property. This method will be called by the Python property __set__ function.
      self - the object containing the property
      value - the value to be set
      Throwable - if any exception occurs while setting the value