Interface GraphDisplayProvider

All Superinterfaces:

public interface GraphDisplayProvider extends ExtensionPoint
Basic interface for objects that can display or otherwise consume a generic graph
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      The name of this provider (for displaying as menu option when graphing)
      the name of this provider.
    • getGraphDisplay

      GraphDisplay getGraphDisplay(boolean reuseGraph, TaskMonitor monitor) throws GraphException
      Returns a GraphDisplay that can be used to "display" a graph
      reuseGraph - if true, this provider will attempt to re-use an existing GraphDisplay
      monitor - the TaskMonitor that can be used to monitor and cancel the operation
      an object that can be used to display or otherwise consume (e.g., export) the graph
      GraphException - thrown if there is a problem creating a GraphDisplay
    • getActiveGraphDisplay

      GraphDisplay getActiveGraphDisplay()
      Returns the active graph display or null if there is no active graph display. If only one graph is displayed, then that graph will be returned. If multiple graphs are being displayed, then the most recently shown graph will be displayed, regardless of whether that is the active graph in terms of user interaction.
      the active graph display or null if there is no active graph display.
    • getAllGraphDisplays

      List<GraphDisplay> getAllGraphDisplays()
      Returns all known graph displays. Typically they will be ordered by use, most recently first.
      the displays
    • initialize

      void initialize(PluginTool tool, Options options)
      Provides an opportunity for this provider to register and read tool options
      tool - the tool hosting this display
      options - the tool options for graphing
    • optionsChanged

      void optionsChanged(Options options)
      Called if the graph options change
      options - the current tool options
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Disposes this GraphDisplayProvider
    • getHelpLocation

      HelpLocation getHelpLocation()
      Gets the help location for this GraphDisplayProvider
      help location for this GraphDisplayProvider