Package ghidra.service.graph
package ghidra.service.graph
ClassDescriptionGeneric directed graph edge implementationBasic graph implementation for a directed graph whose vertices and edges support attributes.Interface for exporting AttributedGraphsGraph vertex with attributesEmpty implementation of GraphDiaplayOptions.GraphActionContext for when user invokes a popup action on a graph edge.Default GraphType implementation that has no vertex or edge types definedThe base ActionContext for the GraphDisplay instances.Interface for objects that display (or consume) graphs.Interface for being notified when the user interacts with a visual graph displayClass for managing graph display options.Builder for building
Basic interface for objects that can display or otherwise consume a generic graphSpecification for the vertex label position relative to the vertex shape.Class that defines a new graph type.Builder class for building newGraphType
sJust a static list of graph layout algorithm namesGraphActionContext for when user invokes a popup action on a graph vertex.Class for defining shapes to use for rendering vertices in a graph