Interface GraphDisplayListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GraphDisplayListener
Interface for being notified when the user interacts with a visual graph display
  • Method Details

    • selectionChanged

      void selectionChanged(Set<AttributedVertex> vertices)
      Notification that the set of selected vertices has changed
      vertices - the set of currently selected vertices
    • locationFocusChanged

      void locationFocusChanged(AttributedVertex vertex)
      Notification that the "focused" (active) vertex has changed
      vertex - the vertex that is currently "focused"
    • cloneWith

      GraphDisplayListener cloneWith(GraphDisplay graphDisplay)
      Makes a new GraphDisplayListener of the same type as the specific instance of this GraphDisplayListener
      graphDisplay - the new GraphDisplay the new listener will support
      A new instance of a GraphDisplayListener that is the same type as as the instance on which it is called
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Tells the listener that it is no longer needed and it can release any listeners/resources. This will be called when a GraphDisplay is disposed or if this listener is replaced.