Package ghidra.util.datastruct

package ghidra.util.datastruct
  • Class
    Class to provide a map with weak values, backed by a given map
    A weak value ref that also knows its key in the map.
    Class to provide a navigable, e.g., tree-, map with weak values
    A view of this same map that limits or changes the order of the keys
    The interface provides a mechanism for clients to pass around an object that is effectively a 'results object', into which data can be placed as it is discovered.
    Base interface for Defining methods for managing a "virtual" array of some data type.
    The BitTree class maintains a set of ordered keys between the values of 0 and N.
    Data structure to set bits to indicate in use.
    Array of bytes that grows as needed.
    Array of byte[] that grows as needed.
    An implementation of Accumulator that allows clients to easily process items as they arrive.
    Comparator for sorting Strings in a case insensitive way except that case insensitive duplicates are then sub-sorted by reverse case so that lower case is before upper case.
    Simple class used to avoid immutable objects and autoboxing when storing changing integer primitives in a collection.
    A class data structures can use to delegate error handling responsibilities to system-level decision making.
    Table for managing rows and columns of data.
    Array of doubles that grows as needed.
    Array of double[] that grows as needed.
    A class that allows clients to wrap a given accumulator, only adding elements that pass the given filter.
    A simple implementation of a LRU map that will throw away entries that exceed the given maximum size.
    Creates a fixed size stack.
    Array of floats that grows as needed.
    Array of float[] that grows as needed.
    Implementation of the ShortKeySet interface that always contains all the possible keys.
    Class for holding a begin and end index.
    Iterator interface for index ranges.
    Array of ints that grows as needed.
    Array of int[] that grows as needed.
    An ArrayList type object for ints.
    Class to generate int indexes to be used for arrays or tables.
    Class that implements a hashtable with int keys and int values.
    This class converts arbitrary int keys into compacted int indexes suitable for use as indexes into an array or table.
    Class to manage multiple linked lists of int indexes.
    Class that implements a hashtable with int keys and Object values.
    Class for storing a set of integers
    A simple interface that allows listener structures to use different error handling
    A simple interface for creating listener error handlers
    A data structure meant to be used to hold listeners.
    Array of longs that grows as needed.
    Array of long[] that grows as needed.
    An ArrayList for longs.
    Interface that defines a method for comparing two long values.
    Class that implements a hashtable with long keys and double values.
    Class that implements a hashtable with long keys and int values.
    This class converts arbitrary long keys into compacted int indexes suitable for use as indexes into an array or table.
    Class that implements a hashtable with long keys and long values.
    Class that implements a hashtable with long keys and Object values.
    A LRU (Least Recently Used) map that maintains access-order (newest to oldest) iteration over the elements.
    An ordered set-like data structure.
    Data table that keeps track of rows that are occupied.
    Exception thrown if a requested index does not exist.
    Array of objects that grows as needed.
    ObjectClass provides a fixed-size long-key-based object cache.
    Class that implements a hashtable with Object keys and int values.
    This class converts arbitrary Objects into compacted int indexes suitable for use as indexes into an array or table.
    Class that implements a hashtable with Object keys and long values.
    Associates objects with long index ranges.
    Associates an integer value with a numeric range.
    Class that provides a static nextPrime method that gives out prime numbers that are useful in a buffer doubling strategy with all buffer sizes being prime.
    Maintains a list of objects in priority order where priority is just an integer value.
    Iterator over Property Set Index ranges that have the same value
    A do-nothing, stubbed version of the Queue interface.
    A class for holding a minimum and maximum signed int values that define a range.
    Stores ranges of int values throughout "long" space.
    A RedBlack Tree implementation of the ShortKeySet interface.
    A RedBlack Tree implementation of a long key set.
    RedBlackTree<K extends Comparable<K>,V>
    A RedBlack Tree implementation with K type keys and place to store V type values.
    Array of shorts that grows as needed.
    Array of byte[] that grows as needed.
    This class converts arbitrary short keys into compacted short indexes suitable for use as indexes into an array or table.
    The ShortKeySet provides an interface for managing a set of ordered short keys between the values of 0 and N.
    Class to manage multiple linked lists of short indexes.
    Class that implements a hashtable with Short keys and long values.
    Class that implements a hashtable with short keys and Object values.
    Class that implements a hashtable with short keys and String values.
    Class to manage a "soft" HaspMap that keeps its keys as soft references so they can be reclaimed if needed.
    Provides a list of integer ranges that are maintained in sorted order.
    The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of objects.
    Array of Strings that grows as needed.
    Array of String[] that grows as needed.
    Class that implements a hashtable with String keys and int values.
    This class converts arbitrary Strings into compacted int indexes suitable for use as indexes into an array or table.
    Associates an integer value with a numeric range.
    Factory for creating containers to use in various threading environments Other non-weak listeners: ConcurrentListenerSet
    Class for storing a weak reference to object instances.
    Class to provide a hash map with weak values.
    Class to provide a tree map with weak values.