Interface Accumulator<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type
All Superinterfaces:
Consumer<T>, Iterable<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
CallbackAccumulator, FilteringAccumulatorWrapper, ListAccumulator, SetAccumulator, SizeLimitedAccumulatorWrapper, SynchronizedListAccumulator

public interface Accumulator<T> extends Iterable<T>, Consumer<T>
The interface provides a mechanism for clients to pass around an object that is effectively a 'results object', into which data can be placed as it is discovered.

Historically, clients that load data will return results, once fully loaded, in a Collection. This has the drawback that the discovered data cannot be used until all searching is complete. This interface can now be passed into such a method (as opposed to be returned by it) so that the client can make use of data as it is discovered. This allows for long searching processes to report data as they work.

  • Method Details

    • add

      void add(T t)
    • addAll

      void addAll(Collection<T> collection)
    • contains

      boolean contains(T t)
    • get

      Collection<T> get()
    • size

      int size()
    • isEmpty

      default boolean isEmpty()
    • stream

      default Stream<T> stream()
    • accept

      default void accept(T t)
      Specified by:
      accept in interface Consumer<T>