Class DoubleAttribute<T extends KeyedObject>


public class DoubleAttribute<T extends KeyedObject> extends Attribute<T>
This class provides a storage mechanism for double-valued information about the elements of a KeyIndexableSet, e.g. the vertices of a DirectedGraph.
  • Constructor Details

    • DoubleAttribute

      public DoubleAttribute(String name, KeyIndexableSet<T> set)
      name - The name used to identify this attribute.
      set - The KeyIndexableSet whose elements can be assigned a value within this attribute.
  • Method Details

    • setValue

      public boolean setValue(T o, double value)
      Set the value of this attribute for the specified KeyedObject.
      o - The KeyedObject that is assigned the value. Should be a member of the owningSet.
      value - The value to associate with the specified KeyedObject.
      true if the value could be set. Return false if o is not a member of the owningSet.
    • getValue

      public double getValue(KeyedObject o) throws NoValueException
      Return the value associated to the specified KeyedObject.
      NoValueException - if the value has not been set or the KeyedObject does not belong to the owningSet.
    • toSortedArray

      public KeyedObject[] toSortedArray()
      Returns the elements of the owningSet sorted by their values of this Attribute.
    • toSortedArray

      public KeyedObject[] toSortedArray(KeyedObject[] keyedObjects)
      Sorts the array of keyedObjects by their values of this Attribute.
    • attributeType

      public String attributeType()
      Return the type of Attribute, i.e. what kind of values does this attribute hold. "Long", "Object", "Double" are examples.
      Specified by:
      attributeType in class Attribute<T extends KeyedObject>
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Removes all assigned values of this attribute.
      Specified by:
      clear in class Attribute<T extends KeyedObject>
    • getValueAsString

      public String getValueAsString(KeyedObject o)
      Return the attribute of the specified KeyedObject as a String.
      Specified by:
      getValueAsString in class Attribute<T extends KeyedObject>