Class ValueMap<T>

Type Parameters:
T - data value type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
IntValueMap, ObjectValueMap

public abstract class ValueMap<T> extends Object implements Serializable
Base class for managing data values that are accessed by an ordered long index key. Specific data value types are determined by the derived class.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • noValueException

      protected static final NoValueException noValueException
    • propertyPageIndex

      protected propertyPageIndex
    • pageSize

      protected short pageSize
    • numProperties

      protected int numProperties
  • Constructor Details

    • ValueMap

      protected ValueMap(String name, Class<T> objectClass)
    • ValueMap

      protected ValueMap(String name, int numPageBits, Class<T> objectClass)
      Construct a PropertyMap
      name - property name
      numPageBits - number of bits to use for the page size. Will be set to be at least 8 and no more than 15.
      objectClass - saveable property value class
  • Method Details

    • getDataSize

      public abstract int getDataSize()
      Returns the size (in bytes) of the data that is stored in this property set.
      the size (in bytes) of the data that is stored in this property set.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Get the name for this property manager.
    • getObjectClass

      public Class<T> getObjectClass()
      Returns property object class associated with this set.
    • getPage

      protected<T> getPage(long pageId)
    • getOrCreatePage

      protected<T> getOrCreatePage(long pageID)
    • intersects

      public boolean intersects(long start, long end)
      Given two indices it indicates whether there is an index in that range (inclusive) having the property.

      start - the start of the index range.
      end - the end of the index range.
      boolean true if at least one index in the range has the property, false otherwise.
    • removeRange

      public boolean removeRange(long start, long end)
      Removes all property values within a given range.
      start - begin range
      end - end range, inclusive
      true if any property value was removed; return false otherwise.
    • remove

      public boolean remove(long index)
      Remove the property value at the given index.
      index - the long representation of an address.
      true if the property value was removed, false otherwise.
    • hasProperty

      public boolean hasProperty(long index)
      returns whether there is a property value at index.
      index - the long representation of an address.
    • getNextPropertyIndex

      public long getNextPropertyIndex(long index) throws NoSuchIndexException
      Get the next index where the property value exists.
      index - the address from which to begin the search (exclusive).
      NoSuchIndexException - thrown if there is no address with a property value after the given address.
    • getPreviousPropertyIndex

      public long getPreviousPropertyIndex(long index) throws NoSuchIndexException
      Get the previous index where a property value exists.
      index - the long representation of an address from which to begin the search (exclusive).
      NoSuchIndexException - when there is no index with a property value before the given address.
    • getFirstPropertyIndex

      public long getFirstPropertyIndex() throws NoSuchIndexException
      Get the first index where a property value exists.
      NoSuchIndexException - when there is no property value for any index.
    • getLastPropertyIndex

      public long getLastPropertyIndex() throws NoSuchIndexException
      Get the last index where a property value exists.
      NoSuchIndexException - thrown if there is no address having the property value.
    • getSize

      public int getSize()
      Get the number of properties in the set.
      the number of properties
    • getPageID

      protected final long getPageID(long index)
      Extract the page ID from the given index.
      index - the long representation of an address.
    • getPageOffset

      protected final short getPageOffset(long index)
      Extract the page offset from the given index.
      index - the long representation of an address.
    • getIndex

      protected final long getIndex(long pageID, short offset)
      Create an index from the pageID and the offset in the page.
      the long representation of an address.
    • moveRange

      public void moveRange(long start, long end, long newStart)
      Move the range of properties to the newStart index.
      start - the beginning of the property range to move
      end - the end of the property range to move
      newStart - the new beginning of the property range after the move
    • moveIndex

      protected abstract void moveIndex(long from, long to)
    • saveProperty

      protected abstract void saveProperty(ObjectOutputStream oos, long addr) throws IOException
    • restoreProperty

      protected abstract void restoreProperty(ObjectInputStream ois, long addr) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
    • getPropertyIterator

      public LongIterator getPropertyIterator(long start, long end)
      Creates an iterator over all the indexes that have this property within the given range.
      start - The start address to search
      end - The end address to search
      LongIterator Iterator over indexes that have properties.
    • getPropertyIterator

      public LongIterator getPropertyIterator(long start, long end, boolean atStart)
      Creates an iterator over all the indexes that have this property within the given range.
      start - The start address to search
      end - The end address to search
      atStart - indicates if the iterator should begin at the start address, otherwise it will start at the last address. Set this flag to false if you want to iterate backwards through the properties.
      LongIterator Iterator over indexes that have properties.
    • getPropertyIterator

      public LongIterator getPropertyIterator()
      Returns an iterator over the indices having the given property value.
    • getPropertyIterator

      public LongIterator getPropertyIterator(long start)
      Returns an iterator over the indices having the given property value.
      start - the starting index for the iterator.
    • getPropertyIterator

      public LongIterator getPropertyIterator(long start, boolean before)
      Returns an iterator over the indices having the given property value.
      start - the starting index for the iterator.
      before - if true the iterator will be positioned before the start value.
    • saveProperties

      public void saveProperties(ObjectOutputStream oos, long start, long end) throws IOException
      Saves all property values between start and end to the output stream
      oos - the output stream
      start - the first index in the range to save.
      end - the last index in the range to save.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs on the write.
    • restoreProperties

      public void restoreProperties(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
      Restores all the properties from the input stream. Any existing properties will first be removed.
      ois - the input stream.
      IOException - if I/O error occurs.
      ClassNotFoundException - if the a class cannot be determined for the property value.