Class SearchInfo


public class SearchInfo extends Object
  • Field Details

    • searchSelection

      protected final boolean searchSelection
    • includeNonLoadedBlocks

      protected final boolean includeNonLoadedBlocks
  • Constructor Details

    • SearchInfo

      public SearchInfo( searchData, int matchLimit, boolean searchSelection, boolean forwardSearch, int alignment, boolean includeNonLoadedBlocks, TaskListener listener)
    • SearchInfo

      public SearchInfo( searchData, int searchLimit, boolean searchSelection, boolean forwardSearch, int alignment, boolean includeNonLoadedBlocks, CodeUnitSearchInfo codeUnitSearchInfo, TaskListener listener)
  • Method Details

    • getSearchableAddressSet

      protected AddressSetView getSearchableAddressSet(Program program, Address startAddress, ProgramSelection selection)
      Generate an address set which only includes initialized memory
      program - the program
      startAddress - starting point for search or null to start from the top of memory
      selection - addresses to be searched or null to search all memory
      searchable address set
    • createSearchAlgorithm

      public MemorySearchAlgorithm createSearchAlgorithm(Program p, Address start, ProgramSelection selection)
    • isSearchForward

      public boolean isSearchForward()
    • isSearchAll

      public boolean isSearchAll()
    • getAlignment

      public int getAlignment()
    • getListener

      public TaskListener getListener()
    • getSearchData

      public getSearchData()
    • getCodeUnitSearchInfo

      public CodeUnitSearchInfo getCodeUnitSearchInfo()
    • getSearchLimit

      public int getSearchLimit()
    • setSearchLimit

      public void setSearchLimit(int searchLimit)