Interface ByteTrieNodeIfc<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
ByteTrieNode, CaseInsensitiveByteTrieNode

public interface ByteTrieNodeIfc<T>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the user item stored in a terminal node (or null in an internal node).
    Returns a new byte array with the value of the byte sequence represented by this node (slow, built from scratch every time).
    Returns whether this node represents a byte sequence in the trie or just an internal node on our way down to one.
    Returns the length of the byte sequence represented by this node (cached integer, very fast).
  • Method Details

    • isTerminal

      boolean isTerminal()
      Returns whether this node represents a byte sequence in the trie or just an internal node on our way down to one.
      whether this node represents a terminal value
    • getItem

      T getItem()
      Returns the user item stored in a terminal node (or null in an internal node).
      the user item
    • getValue

      byte[] getValue()
      Returns a new byte array with the value of the byte sequence represented by this node (slow, built from scratch every time).
      the byte sequence
    • length

      int length()
      Returns the length of the byte sequence represented by this node (cached integer, very fast).
      the length of the byte sequence