Decompiler Concepts


P-code is Ghidra's Intermediate Representation (IR) language. When analyzing a function, the Decompiler translates every machine instruction into p-code first and performs its analysis directly on the operators and variables of the language. Output of the Decompiler is also best understood in terms of p-code. This section presents the key concepts of p-code. For a more detailed discussion see the document "P-Code Reference Manual."

Address Space

P-code defines all data in terms of an address space. An address space is defined simply as an indexed sequence of bytes that can be read and written by p-code operations. For a specific byte, the unique index that labels it is called the byte's address. Each address space has a:

  • name - a formal name for the space
  • size - the maximum number of bytes that can be addressed
  • endianness - how groups of bytes are interpreted as integers

For a p-code model of a specific processor, all elements of the processor state (including RAM, registers, flags, etc.) must be contained in some address space. The model will define multiple address spaces to accomplish this, and beyond the raw translation of machine instructions to p-code, the Decompiler can add additional spaces. Address space definitions that are common across many different processors include:


A space that models memory accessible via the processor's main data bus. Depending on the architecture, different spaces might be substituted for ram, such as separate code and data spaces.


A space that models the processor's general purpose registers. Ghidra still uses the standard names to refer to registers for the processor, but internally each register maps to a specific address in this space.


A space dedicated to temporary registers. It is used to hold intermediate values when modeling instruction behavior, and the Decompiler uses it to allocate space for variables that don't directly correspond to the low level processor state. The name unique is reserved for this purpose and is present in all processor models.


A space that represents bytes explicitly indexed through a stack pointer. This is an example of an address space added by the Decompiler beyond what the raw processor model defines. The stack space is a logical construction representing the set of bytes a single function might access through its stack pointer. Each stack address represents the offset of a byte in some underlying space (usually ram) relative to the initial value of the stack pointer upon entry to the function. The stack space is always referenced in the context of a single function, and in this sense, each function can be viewed as having its own distinct stack space.


A special space for encoding constants in p-code. For complete generality, even constants that the processor might manipulate are assigned to their own address space. For an address in the constant space, the index itself represents the constant.


A varnode is defined as a sequence of bytes in an address space. It represents the storage for a single value (variable) being acted on by the processor. All manipulation of data by p-code operations occurs on varnodes. A varnode can always be represented as the formal triple:

(address space,offset,size)

Both offset and size are integer values specified in terms of bytes. The first two elements, address space and offset, taken together represent the address of the varnode.

Varnodes by themselves do not necessarily have a data-type associated with them. The Decompiler ultimately assigns a formal data-type, but at the lowest level of p-code, varnodes inherit one the building block data-types from the p-code operations that act on them:

  • Integer
  • Boolean
  • Floating Point

The integer data-type assumes a two's complement encoding in the endianness of the address space containing the varnode. Similarly, the floating point data-type assumes an IEEE 754 standard encoding. The precision of the integer or floating point value is determined by the varnode's size. A boolean data-type assumes the varnode has a size of 1 byte and takes either a value of 0, for false, or a value of 1 for true.

P-code Operations

A p-code operation is defined as a formal operator, labeled by its opcode, acting on 1 or more varnodes as input and storing a result in at most 1 varnode. Each p-code operation is associated with an address, which is usually the address of the machine instruction from which the p-code operation was translated. As most instructions require more than one p-code operation to fully model it, a separate 1-up counter is used to distinguish p-code operations associated with the same address. Together the address and the counter are referred to as the operation's sequence number.

The formal opcodes break up into categories similar to many programming languages.

Table . P-code Operations

Category Operations
Managed Code CPOOLREF, NEW

Operator Tokens

Most opcodes naturally correspond to a particular C operator token, and in Decompiler output, many of the operator tokens displayed correspond directly to a p-code operation present in the Decompiler's internal representation. The biggest exception are the Branching operations; the Decompiler uses standard high-level language control-flow structures, like if/else, switch, and do/while blocks, instead of the low-level branching operations. But even here, there is some correspondence between operations and keywords in the high-level language.

Operations in the Extension/Truncation and Floating Point Conversion categories tend to be represented as cast operations in the high-level language, and so don't have an explicit operator token representing them. Many p-code operations share the same operator token, such as the integer and floating-point addition operations INT_ADD and FLOAT_ADD. The high-level language distinguishes between them via the underlying data-type of the variables.

Name Operator Token Description
COPY = Copy one varnode into another.
LOAD * or -> Dereference a pointer, or load a value from memory.
STORE * or -> Store a value to memory, through a pointer.
BRANCH goto Branch execution to a specific address.
CBRANCH if (...) goto Branch execution to an address if the condition is true.
BRANCHIND switch(...) Branch execution to a computed address.
CALL funcname(...) Branch to a function, as a call.
CALLIND (*funcptr)(...) Branch through a pointer to a function, as a call.
RETURN return Return execution to the calling function.
PIECE CONCAT Concatenate two varnodes.
SUBPIECE SUB Extract a subset of bytes.
POPCOUNT POPCOUNT Count the 1 bits.
INT_EQUAL == True if input varnodes are equal.
INT_NOTEQUAL != True if input varnodes are not equal.
INT_LESS < or > True if one varnode is less than the other as unsigned integers.
INT_SLESS < or > True if one varnode is less than the other as signed integers.
INT_LESSEQUAL <= or >= True if one varnode is less than or equal to the other as unsigned integers.
INT_SLESSEQUAL <= or >= True if one varnode is less than or equal to the other as signed integers.
INT_ZEXT ZEXT Zero extension.
INT_SEXT SEXT Signed extension.
INT_ADD + Add as integers.
INT_SUB - Subtract as integers.
INT_CARRY CARRY True if adding produces an unsigned carry.
INT_SCARRY SCARRY True if adding produces a signed carry.
INT_SBORROW SBORROW True if subtracting produces a signed borrow.
INT_2COMP - Two's complement.
INT_NEGATE ~ Bitwise negation.
INT_XOR ^ Bitwise exclusive-or.
INT_AND & Bitwise logical-and.
INT_OR | Bitwise logical-or.
INT_LEFT << Left shift.
INT_RIGHT >> Unsigned (logical) right shift.
INT_SRIGHT >> Signed (arithmetic) right shift.
INT_MULT * Integer multiplication.
INT_DIV / Unsigned integer division.
INT_REM % Unsigned remainder.
INT_SDIV / Signed division.
INT_SREM % Signed remainder.
BOOL_NEGATE ! Boolean negation.
BOOL_XOR ^^ Boolean exclusive-or.
BOOL_AND && Boolean logical-and.
BOOL_OR || Boolean logical-or.
FLOAT_EQUAL == True if inputs are equal as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_NOTEQUAL != True if inputs are not equal as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_LESS < or > True if one input is less than the other as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_LESSEQUAL <= or >= True if one input is less than or equal to the other as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_ADD + Add as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_SUB - Subtract as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_MULT * Multiply as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_DIV / Divide as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_NEG - Negate a floating-point number.
FLOAT_ABS ABS Absolute value of a floating-point number.
FLOAT_SQRT SQRT Square root of a floating-point number.
FLOAT_CEIL CEIL Ceiling function.
FLOAT_FLOOR FLOOR Floor function.
FLOAT_ROUND ROUND Nearest integral value.
FLOAT_NAN NAN True if input is not a valid floating-point number (NaN).
INT2FLOAT <na> Convert integer to floating-point.
FLOAT2FLOAT <na> Convert between different floating-point precisions.
TRUNC <na> Convert floating-point to integer.
CPOOLREF <na> Obtain constant pool value.
NEW new Allocate an object or an array of objects.
MULTIEQUAL <na> Compiler phi-node: merge values from multiple control-flow paths.
INDIRECT <na> Indirect effect on a varnode.
CAST <na> Copy a value, changing its data-type.
PTRADD + Add an offset to a pointer.
PTRSUB . or -> Dereference a subfield from a pointer.
INSERT <na> Insert a bit-range.
EXTRACT <na> Extract a bit-range.

P-code Control Flow

P-code has natural control flow, with the subtlety that flow happens both within and across machine instructions. Most p-code operators have fall-through semantics, meaning that flow moves to the next operator in the sequence associated with the instruction, or, if the operator is the last in the sequence, flow moves to the first operator in the p-code associated with the next instruction. The p-code operators with branching semantics, such as CBRANCH and BRANCH, can jump to a target operator which is internal to the current instruction, or they can jump to the first p-code operator corresponding to a new instruction at a different address.

Ghidra labels a machine instruction with one of the following Flow Types that describe its overall control flow. The Flow Type is derived directly from the control flow of the p-code for the instruction, with the basic types corresponding directly with a specific branching p-code operator.


Other Flow Types occur due to a combination of multiple p-code branching operators within the same instruction.


User-defined P-code Operations - CALLOTHER

P-code allows for additional, processor specific, operations referred to as user-defined or CALLOTHER operations. These may be defined as part of a Ghidra's specification for the processor and are typically used as placeholders for what is otherwise unmodeled processor behavior. Each CALLOTHER must have a unique name, and as a p-code operation, it still takes varnode inputs and may produce a varnode output. But the exact affect of the operation is not specified.

The Decompiler treats a CALLOTHER operation as a black box. It will keep track of data flowing into and out of the operation but won't simplify or transform it. In Decompiler output, a CALLOTHER is usually displayed using its unique name, with functional syntax showing its inputs and output.

Ghidra or a user can provide the behavior details for a named CALLOTHER operation. The details are provided as a sequence of p-code operations, referred to as a Callother-Fixup, which is substituted for the CALLOTHER operation during decompilation, or by other Analyzers that use p-code. Callother-Fixups are applied by Ghidra for specific processor or compiler variants, and a user can choose to apply them to an individual Program (see Specification Extensions).

Internal Decompiler Functions

Certain p-code operations can show up in Decompiler output that cannot be represented as either an operator token, a cast operation, or other depiction that is natural to the language. The Decompiler generally tries to eliminate these, but this isn't always possible. The Decompiler resorts to a functional syntax for these kinds of p-code operations, displaying them as if they were built-in functions for the language.

SUB41(x,c) - Truncation operation - SUBPIECE
  • The digit '4' indicates the size of the input operand 'x' in bytes.
  • The digit '1' indicates the size of the output value in bytes.
  • The parameter 'x' is the value being truncated.
  • The parameter 'c' is the number of least significant bytes being truncated.
	    SUB42(0xaabbccdd,1) = 0xbbcc

Extract a contiguous subset of the bytes from 'x'. When 'c' is 0, the operation is a simple integer truncation.

  • SUB41(x,0) truncates from a 4-byte integer to a 1-byte (char or byte) integer.
  • SUB42(x,0) truncates from a 4-byte integer to a 2-byte (short) integer.
  • SUB84(x,4) extracts the high 4 bytes from the 8 byte integer.

CONCAT31(x,y) - Concatenation operator - PIECE
  • The digit '3' indicates the size of the input operand 'x' in bytes.
  • The digit '1' indicates the size of the input operand 'y' in bytes.
  • The parameters 'x' and 'y' hold the values being concatenated.
	    CONCAT31(0xaabbcc,0xdd) = 0xaabbccdd 

Concatenate the bytes in 'x' with the bytes in 'y'. 'x' becomes the most significant bytes, and 'y' the least significant bytes, in the result.

ZEXT14(x) - Zero-extension operator - INT_ZEXT
  • The digit '1' indicates the size of the input operand 'x' in bytes.
  • The digit '4' indicates the size of the output in bytes.
	    ZEXT24(0xaabb) = 0x0000aabb

Extend the operand 'x' to a larger size by appending zero bytes, which become the most significant bytes of the result.

SEXT14(x) - Sign-extension operator - INT_SEXT
  • The digit '1' indicates the size of the input operand 'x' in bytes.
  • The digit '4' indicates the size of the output in bytes.
	    SEXT48(0xaabbccdd) = 0xffffffffaabbccdd

Extend the operand 'x' to a larger size by duplicating the sign bit of 'x' into the most significant bytes of the result.

SBORROW4(x,y) - Test for signed borrow operator - INT_SBORROW
  • The digit '4' indicates the size of both input operands 'x' and 'y' in bytes.

Return true if there is an arithmetic overflow when subtracting 'y' from 'x' as signed integers.

CARRY4(x,y) - Test for unsigned overflow operator - INT_CARRY
  • The digit '4' indicates the size of both input operands 'x' and 'y' in bytes.

Return true if there is an arithmetic overflow when adding 'x' and 'y' as unsigned integers.

SCARRY4(x,y) - Test for signed overflow operator - INT_SCARRY
  • The digit '4' indicates the size of both input operands 'x' and 'y' in bytes.

Return true if there is an arithmetic overflow when adding 'x' and 'y' as signed integers.

The HighFunction

A HighFunction is the collection of specific information produced by the Decompiler about a function, referring to the root class in the Ghidra source which holds this information. The HighFunction is made up of the following explicit objects:

  • A control-flow representation of the function in terms of basic blocks.
  • A data-flow representation of the function in terms of varnodes and p-code operations.
  • A symbol-table of variables accessed by the function.

The Decompiler's output provides a standalone view of the function which is distinct from any annotations about the function that are present in the Program database and displayed in the Listing (although the output may be informed by these annotations). The terms HighFunction, HighVariable, and HighSymbol refer to this Decompiler specific view of the function.


A HighSymbol is one of the explicit symbols recovered by the Decompiler. It is made up of a name and data-type and can describe either:

  • a formal parameter of the function,
  • a local variable of the function, or
  • a global variable accessed by the function.

An important aspect of HighSymbols is that they are distinct from the standard Ghidra symbols stored in the Program database and are part of the Decompiler's separate view of the function. When the Decompiler displays declarations for symbols in its output for instance, it is displaying HighSymbols, which may not directly match up with database symbols. The Decompiler is generally informed by annotations in the database and may copy specific symbols from the database into its view, but it is generally free to invent new symbols discovered during its analysis.

Various actions within Ghidra allow the user to commit specific HighSymbols to the database as a permanent annotation, but this does not happen by default.

Varnodes in the Decompiler

Varnodes are the central variable concept for the Decompiler. They form the individual nodes in the Decompiler's data-flow representation of functions and are used during all stages of analysis. During the initial stages of analysis, varnodes simply represent specific storage locations that are accessed in sequence by individual p-code operations. The Decompiler immediately converts the p-code into a graph-based data-flow representation, called Static Single Assignment (SSA) form. In this form, the varnodes take on some additional attributes.

In SSA form, each write of an operation to a storage location defines a new varnode. Write operations at different points in the code to the same storage location, still produce different varnodes. In this context, each varnode has a lifetime or scope within the function. The scope starts at:

  • The defining p-code operation which has the varnode as its output. Or

  • The beginning of the function, if the varnode is an input to the function.

The scope extends via control flow to each p-code operation that reads the specific varnode as an operand. The value of the varnode between the defining p-code operation and the reading operations does not change. The scope of a varnode can be thought of as a set of addresses within the function's body connected by control flow. The address of the defining p-code operation is referred to as the varnode's first use point or first use offset.

In the Decompiler output for a specific high-level language like C or Java, a varnode still has a scope and represents a variable in the high-level language only across this connected region of the code. A set of varnodes, with disjoint scopes, provides a complete description of a high-level variable that can be written to at more than one point in the function.


A HighVariable is a set varnodes that, taken together, represent the storage of an entire variable in the high-level language being output by the Decompiler. Each varnode describes where the variable's value is stored across some section of code.

There is generally a one-to-one correspondence between HighVariables and HighSymbols. HighVariables can be thought of as the detailed storage description of the high-level variable, while the HighSymbol provides its name and data-type. However, there are some technical caveats to this correspondence to keep in mind.

A HighVariable always describes explicit manipulation of data by instructions in the function. In some cases, a HighVariable may only describe part of the storage for a HighSymbol. Particularly for structured or composite data-types, a function may operate on different parts of the variable at different points of the code, so a HighVariable may only encompass one field of the structure.

A symbol may be referenced in a function, but the symbol's value may not be explicitly manipulated. Constant pointers may refer to variables either on the stack or in main memory, but the variable's value is neither read nor written within the function. In this case, the HighSymbol exists, but there is no corresponding HighVariable.


Merging is the part of the analysis process where the Decompiler decides what varnodes get grouped together to create the final HighVariables in the output. Each varnode's scope (see the discussion in Varnodes in the Decompiler) provides the fundamental restriction on this process. Two varnodes cannot be merged if their scopes intersect. But this leaves a lot of leeway in what varnodes can be merged.

Certain varnodes must be merged; if they use the same storage but in different control-flow paths that come together, for instance, or if it is explicitly known that the varnodes must represent the same variable. This is referred to as forced merging.

The Decompiler may also merge varnodes that could just as easily exist as separate variables. This is called speculative merging. In addition to the intersection condition on varnode scopes, the Decompiler only speculatively merges variables that share the same data-type. Beyond this, the Decompiler prioritizes variable pairs that are read and written within the same instruction and then pairs that are near each other in the control flow of the function. To a limited extent, users are able to control this kind of merging (see Split Out As New Variable).

Prototype Model

Functions in high-level languages manipulate symbols like parameters and return values that are implicitly stored in a way that doesn't collide with other functions and variables. To actually map these symbols to physical registers and memory locations, compilers establish a calling convention for the function. Loosely, this is a set of memory resources, whether it is registers or stack locations, and a procedure for sequentially assigning resources to parameters based on their properties. A prototype model is the formal object in Ghidra that represents a calling convention and holds its specific rules and resource details.

Prototype models are architecture-specific, and depending on the compiler, a single Program may make use of multiple models. Subsequently, each distinct model has a name like __stdcall or __thiscall. The Decompiler makes use of the prototype model, as assigned to the function by the user or discovered in some other way, when performing its analysis of parameters. It is possible for users to extend the set of prototype models available to a Program (see Specification Extensions).

A prototype model is typically used as a whole and is assigned by name to individual functions. But some of the sub-concepts of the model may be relevant to reverse engineers. Concepts that a prototype model encapsulates include:

Incoming and Outgoing Storage Locations

A formal input parameter is always assigned a specific memory location to hold its value coming into the function. The storage location can be a register, a stack location, or other memory location. The storage location may be reused later by other variables in the function; only the incoming value stored there is guaranteed to be that of input parameter.

If the parameter is stored on the stack, the storage location is viewed as a constant offset in the stack space, where the offset is relative to the incoming value of stack pointer (see the discussion in Address Space).

The return value for the function, unless it is passed back on the stack, is also stored at a single memory location. It is guaranteed to be at that location only at points where the function is exited. There may be multiple exit points, but they all share the same return value storage location. For return values passed back on the stack, compilers generally implement a special input register to hold the location where the value will be stored. See the discussion of Auto-Parameters and the __return_storage_ptr__ below.


Compiled binaries may pass values as parameters between functions that aren't in the formal list of parameters as defined by the original source code for the program. These are referred to as auto-parameters or sometimes hidden parameters within the documentation. If the prototype model requires it, Ghidra will automatically create an auto-parameter for a function to honor a user's request for a specific formal signature. See Function Editor Dialog. Because reverse engineers need to see them, the Decompiler will generally display auto-parameters explicitly in function prototypes as part of its output, even though they would not be present in the original source. Ghidra explicitly defines two auto-parameters:


Within Object Oriented languages, a function defined as a class method often has a this parameter pointing to an instantiation of the class' structure data-type. Within Ghidra, functions with the __thiscall calling convention are automatically assigned a this parameter. If the function is part of a class namespace and the class has an associated structure, the this parameter will be a pointer to the structure, otherwise it will be a pointer to the void data-type.


Most calling conventions allow the value returned by a function, if it is large enough, to be passed back on the stack instead of in a register. This is usually implemented by having the calling function pass an additional input parameter that holds a pointer to the location on the stack where the return value should be stored. Ghidra labels this special parameter as __return_storage_ptr__, which will be a pointer to the data-type of the return value.


Prototype models can specify a set of unaffected memory locations, whose value must be preserved across the function. I.e. each location must hold the same value at a function's exit that it held coming into the function. These encompass a calling convention's saved registers, where a calling function can store values it doesn't want to change unexpectedly, but also may include other registers that are known not to change, like the stack pointer. The Decompiler uses the information to determine which locations can be safely propagated across a called function.

Killed by Call

In contrast to unaffected memory locations, a prototype model may specify killed by call locations that are guaranteed not to be used to hold a value across the function.

SLEIGH Specification Files

SLEIGH is Ghidra's specification language for describing processor instructions. Specification files are read in for a Program, and once configured, Ghidra's SLEIGH engine can:

  • Disassemble machine instructions from the underlying bytes and
  • Produce the raw p-code consumed by the Decompiler and other analyzers.

Specification files are selected based on the Language Id assigned to the Program at the time it is imported into Ghidra (see Import Program).

  • x86:LE:32:default:windows
  • AARCH64:LE:64:default:v8A:default
  • MIPS:BE:32:micro:default

A Language Id is a label with these 5 formal fields, separated by a ':' character:

  • Processor family
  • Endianness
  • Size of the address bus
  • Processor variant
  • Compiler producing the Program

A field with the value default indicates either the preferred processor variant or the preferred compiler.

Within the Ghidra installation, specification files are stored based on the overarching processor family, such as MIPS or x86. For a specific family, files are located under


where <Root> represents the root directory of the Ghidra installation and <Family> is the processor family.

There are several types of specification files that are distinguishable by their suffix. These include:

SLEIGH files - *.slaspec or *.sinc

These are the human readable SLEIGH language files. A single specification is rooted in one of the *.slaspec files, which may recursively include one or more *.sinc files. The format of these files is described in the document "SLEIGH: A Language for Rapid Processor Specification."

Compiled SLEIGH files - *.sla

This is a compiled form of a single SLEIGH specification. It is produced automatically by Ghidra from the corresponding *.slaspec.

Compiler specification files - *.cspec

These files contain configuration for a specific compiler. Analysis of Programs whose executable content was produced using this compiler benefits from this information. The file is an XML document with tags describing details of data organization and other conventions used by the compiler. In particular, the compiler specification contains tags:

  • <prototype> - describing a specific calling convention
  • <callfixup> - describing a Call-fixup
  • <callotherfixup> - describing a Callother-fixup

Processor specification files - *.pspec

These files contain configuration information that is specific to a particular processor variant.

Modifying Specification Files

Changing any of the specification files described here is not recommended. To make additions to either the compiler specification or the processor specification files, see Specification Extensions, which describes a safe and portable way to add specific elements.

Making modifications to specification files within a Ghidra installation is possible, but any analysis results obtained will likely not be portable to other installations. In particular, saving a Program from a modified Ghidra and then reopening it using an unmodified installation may corrupt the Program database.

When Ghidra starts, it checks for changes to *.slaspec and *.sinc files and will rebuild the corresponding *.sla file automatically. Also, specification files are read again when Ghidra restarts. So analysts can and do make changes to these files. However they need to be prepared to view any results as temporary and should backup their installation and specific Programs being analyzed.