Decompiler Options

This page lists configuration options that explicitly affect the behavior of the Decompiler or its output, independent of the code that is being decompiled. The bulk of these options are accessible by selecting the Code Browser menu

Edit -> Tool Options...

and then picking the Decompiler folder. The options are associated with the particular Code Browser or other tool being used and will apply to decompilation of any Program being analyzed by that tool. There are three categories of options, which are listed by clicking either on the Decompiler folder or one of its two subsections.

  • Decompiler - lists General Options that affect the engine behavior.
  •  Analysis - lists Analysis Options that affect the Decompiler's transformation process.
  •  Display - lists Display Options that affect the final presentation of Decompiler output.

Options that are specific to the particular Program being analyzed are accessed by selecting the Code Browser menu

Edit -> Options for <program>....

Picking the Decompiler section shows Program Options that only affect the Decompiler. Picking the Specification Extensions section shows a table of the available prototype models, call-fixups, and callother-fixups. These affect more than just the Decompiler but are also documented here.

General Options

These options govern what resources are available to the Plug-in and the Decompiler engine but do not affect how analysis is performed or results are displayed.

Cache Size (Functions)

Producing decompilation results for a single function can be computationally intensive. This option specifies the number of functions whose decompilation results can be cached simultaneously. When navigating to a function that has been recently cached, as when navigating back and forth between a few functions, a new decompilation is not triggered.

Decompiler Max-Payload (MBytes)

This option limits the number of bytes that can be produced by the Decompiler process as output when decompiling a single function. A payload includes the actual characters to be displayed in the window, additional token markup, symbol information, and other details of the underlying syntax tree. The limit is specified in megabytes of data. If the limit is exceeded for a single function, decompilation is aborted for that function, and an error message "Decompiler results exceeded payload limit ..." is displayed.

Decompiler Timeout (seconds)

This option sets an upper limit on the number of seconds the Decompiler spends attempting to analyze one function before aborting. It is currently not enforced for a Decompiler window. Instead it applies to the DecompilerSwitchAnalyzer, the analyzeHeadless command, scripts, and other plug-ins that make use of the Decompiler service.

Max Instructions per Function

This option sets a maximum number of machine instructions that the Decompiler will attempt to analyze for a single function, as a safeguard against analyzing a long sequence of zeroes or other constant data. The Decompiler will quickly throw an exception if it traces control flow into more than the indicated number of instructions.

Max Entries per Jumptable

This option sets the maximum number of entries (addresses) that the Decompiler can recover from analyzing a single jumptable. This serves as a sanity check that the recovered dimensions of a jumptable are reasonable and places an upper limit on the sheer number of addresses the Decompiler is willing to trace from a single indirect jump.

Analysis Options

These options directly affect how the Decompiler performs its analysis, either by toggling specific analysis passes or changing how it treats various annotations.

Alias Blocking

When deciding if an individual stack location has become dead, the Decompiler must consider aliases, pointers onto the stack that could be used to modify the location within a called function. One strong heuristic the Decompiler uses is: if the user has explicitly created a variable on the stack between the base location referenced by the pointer and the individual stack location, then the Decompiler can assume that the pointer is not an alias of the stack location. The alias is blocked by the explicit variable. However, if the user's explicit variable is labeling something that isn't really an explicit variable, like a field within a larger structure, for instance, the Decompiler may incorrectly consider the stack location as dead and start removing live code.

In order to support the exploratory labeling of stack locations, the user can use this setting to specify what data-types should be considered blocking. The four options are:

  • None - No data-type is considered blocking
  • Structures - Only structures are blocking
  • Structures and Arrays - Only structures and arrays are blocking
  • All Data-types - All data-types are blocking

Selecting None is the equivalent of turning off the heuristic. Selecting anything except All Data-types allows users to safely label small variables without knowing immediately if the stack location is part of a larger structure or array.

Eliminate unreachable code

When toggled on, the Decompiler eliminates code that it considers unreachable. This usually happens when, due to constant propagation and other analysis, the Decompiler decides that a boolean value controlling a conditional branch can only take one possible value and removes the branch corresponding to the other value. Toggling this to off lets the user see the dead code, which is typically demarcated by the control-flow structure:

if (false) { ... }

Ignore unimplemented instructions

When toggled on, the Decompiler treats instructions whose semantics have been formally marked unimplemented as if they do nothing (no operation). Crucially, control flow falls through to the next instruction. In this case, the Decompiler inserts the warning "Control flow ignored unimplemented instructions" as a comment in the function header, but the exact point at which instruction was ignored may not be clear. If this option is toggled off, the Decompiler inserts the built-in function halt_unimplemented() at the point of the unimplemented instruction, and control flow does not fall through.

Infer constant pointers

When toggled on, the Decompiler infers a data-type for constants it determines are likely pointers. In the basic heuristic, each constant is considered as an address, and if that address starts a known data or function element in the program, the constant is assumed to be a pointer. The constants are treated like any other source of data-type information, and the inferred data-types are freely propagated by the Decompiler to other parts of the function.

NaN operations

This option determines how the Decompiler treats floating-point NaN (Not a Number) operations. Many processors automatically perform NaN checks on the operands of floating-point instructions, and unless specifically configured, these show up in Decompiler output as NAN() functional tokens. Common floating-point source code operations, like <, >, and == can generate NAN tokens as a side effect, even if the original source code was not designed to handle NaN values, and the tokens can clutter the output.

The user can optionally configure some or all of the NaN operations to be ignored, meaning that inputs to the NaN operation are assumed to be valid floating-point values and the NAN function is removed, replacing it with the value: false. The possible settings are:

  • Ignore none - No NaN operations are removed
  • Ignore with comparisons - NaN operations associated with comparisons are removed
  • Ignore all - All NaN operations are removed

The Decompiler considers a NaN operation to be associated with a floating-point comparison if they both can be considered boolean clauses of the same if condition.

Recover -for- loops

When toggled on, the Decompiler attempts to pinpoint variables that control the iteration over specific loops in the function body. When these loop variables are discovered, the loop is rendered using a standard for loop header that contains an initializer statement, condition, and iterating statement.

for (iVar2 = 10; iVar2 < len; iVar2 = iVar2 + 1) { ...

When toggled off, the loop is displayed using while syntax, with any initializer and iterating statements mixed in with the loop body or preceding basic blocks.

Respect read-only flags

When toggled on, the Decompiler treats any values in memory marked read-only as constant. If a read-only memory location is explicitly referenced by the function being decompiled, it is considered to be unchanging, and the initial value present in the Program is pulled into the data flow of the function as a constant. Due to Constant Propagation and other transformations, read-only memory can have a large effect on Decompiler output.

Typically, as part of the import process, Ghidra marks memory blocks as read-only if they are tagged as such by a section header or other meta-data in the original binary. Users can actively set whether specific memory regions are considered read-only through the Memory Manager, and individual data elements can be marked as constant via the Mutability setting (see Data Mutability).

Simplify extended integer operations

This toggles whether the Decompiler attempts to simplify double precision arithmetic operations, where a single logical operation is split into two parts, calculating the high and low pieces of the result in separate instructions. Decompiler support for this kind of transform is currently limited, and only certain constructions are simplified.

Simplify predication

When this option is active, the Decompiler simplifies code sequences containing predicated instructions. A predicated instruction is executed conditionally based on a boolean value, the predicate, and a sequence of instructions can share the same predicate. The Decompiler merges the resulting if/else blocks that share the same predicate so that the condition is only printed once.

Split combined structure fields

When this option is active, the Decompiler attempts to identify places in the code where multiple fields of a structure data-type are being moved simultaneously with a single operation. Then it splits the operation into multiple pieces so that the logical fields can be seen individually. When this option isn't active, the Decompiler creates an artificial token to represent the combined fields being written to or read from.

	      struct1._20_4_ = 0xff00ff00;  // Auto-generated name for assigning multiple fields at once
	      struct1.a = 0xff00;           // The same assignment, after splitting
	      struct1.b = 0xff00;

Split combined array elements

When this option is active, the Decompiler attempts to identify places in the code where multiple elements of an array are being moved simultaneously with a single operation. Then it splits the operation into multiple pieces so each element of the array can be seen individually. When this option isn't active, the Decompiler creates an artificial token to represent the combined elements being written to or read from.

	      text._20_2_ = 0x4241;        // Auto-generated name for assigning multiple elements at once
	      text[20] = 'A';              // The same assignment, after splitting
	      test[21] = 'B';

Split pointers to combined elements

This options affects when the Decompiler's splitting actions are applied. See the discussion above about Splitting Structure Accesses and Splitting Array Accesses. If this option is on, a split is performed whenever combined elements or combined fields are copied. In particular, either the read access, or the write access, or both, can be through a pointer. If this option is off, splitting is limited to copies between structures or arrays at fixed locations, either at a global address, or on the local stack.

Use in-place assignment operators

When toggled on, the Decompiler employs in-place assignment operators, such as += and <<=, in its output syntax.

Display Options

These options do not change the Decompiler's analysis but only affect how the results are presented.

Background Color

Assign the background color for the Decompiler window.

Brace Format for <kind-of> blocks

Choose how braces are placed after function declarations, or other kinds of code blocks in Decompiler output. Formatting can be controlled for:

  • function blocks - the main function bodies
  • if/else blocks - blocks delineated by the if and else keywords
  • loop blocks - blocks delineated by the for, do, and while keywords
  • switch blocks - blocks delineated by the switch keyword

The different formatting options primarily control how the opening brace is displayed relative to the line containing the declaration or keyword starting the block. The formatting options are:

  • Same line - opening brace placed on same line
  • Next line - opening brace placed on the next line
  • Skip one line - opening brace placed on line after a blank line

The "Same line" option is consistent with K & R code formatting style. The "Next line" option is consistent with the Allman formatting style.

Color Default

Assign the color to any characters emitted by the Decompiler that do not fall into one of token types listed below. This includes delimiter characters like commas and parentheses as well as various operator characters.

Color for <token>

Assign colors to the different types of language tokens emitted by the Decompiler. These include:

  • Comments
  • Constants - including integer, floating-point, character, and string
  • Functions names
  • Globals - names of variables with global scope
  • Keywords - reserved names in the language being emitted
  • Parameters - names of function input variables
  • Types - names of data-types in variable declarations and casts
  • Variables - names of local variables
  • Special - volatile variables and other special symbols

Color for Current Variable Highlight

Assign the background color used to highlight the token currently under the cursor in a Decompiler window.

Color for Highlighting Find Matches

Assign the background color used to highlight characters matching the current Find pattern (see Find...).

Comment line indent level

Set the number of characters that comment lines are indented within Decompiler output. This applies only to comments within the body of the function being displayed. Comments at the head of the function are not indented.

Comment style

Set the language syntax used to delimit comments emitted as part of Decompiler output. For C and Java, the choices are /* C style comments */ and // C++ style comments.

Disable printing of type casts

Set whether the syntax for type casts is emitted in Decompiler output. If this is toggled on, type cast syntax is never displayed, even when rules of the language require it. So individual statements may no longer be formally accurate.

Display <kind-of> Comments

Set whether a specific type of comment should be incorporated into Decompiler output. Each type has its own toggle and can be individually included or excluded from Decompiler output.

  • EOL
  • PLATE - Whether plate comments within the body of the function are displayed
  • POST
  • PRE

A comment's type indicates how it is placed within a Listing window, not how it is placed in a Decompiler window. All comments within the body of the function are displayed in the same way by the decompiler, regardless of their type (see the discussion in Comments).

Display Header comment

Toggle whether the Decompiler emits comments at the head (before the beginning) of a function. The header is built from Plate comments placed at the entry point of the function (see the discussion in Comments). The inclusion of other Plate comments is controlled by the Display PLATE comments toggle, described above.

Display Line Numbers

Toggle whether line numbers are displayed in any Decompiler window. If toggled on, each Decompiler window reserves space to display a numbers down the left side of the window, labeling each line of output produced by the Decompiler. Line numbers are associated with the window itself and are not formally part of the Decompiler's output.

Display Namespaces

Control how the Decompiler displays namespace information associated with function and variable symbols. The possible settings are:

  • Minimally - Display the minimal path that distinguishes the symbol
  • Always - Always display the entire namespace path
  • Never - Never display the namespace path

The Minimally setting, which is the default, will only emit the portion of the namespace path necessary to distinguish the symbol from other symbols with the same base name used by the function, or if a portion of the path is completely outside the function's scope.

The Never setting never displays any of the namespace path under any circumstances and may produce output that is ambiguous and doesn't formally parse.

Display Warning comments

Toggle whether Decompiler generated WARNING comments are displayed as part of the output. The Decompiler generates these comments, independent of those laid down by users, to indicate unusual conditions or possible errors (see Warning Comments).


Set the typeface used to render characters in any Decompiler window. Indentation is generally clearer using a monospaced (fixed-width) font, but any font available to Ghidra can be used. The size of the font can also be controlled from this option.

Integer format

Set how integer constants are formatted in the Decompiler output. The possible settings are:

  • Force Hexadecimal - Always use a hexadecimal representation
  • Force Decimal - Always use a decimal representation
  • Best Fit - Select the most natural representation

For Best Fit, a representation is selected based on how close it is to either a round decimal value (10, 100, 1000, etc.) or a round hexadecimal value (0x10, 0x100, 0x1000, etc.)

Maximum characters in a code line

Set the maximum number of characters in a line of code emitted by the Decompiler before a line break is forced. The Decompiler will not split an individual token across lines. So line breaks frequently will come before the maximum number of characters is reached, and technically a single token can extend the line beyond the maximum.

Number of characters per indent level

Set the amount of indenting used to print statements within a nested scope in the Decompiler output. Each level of nesting (function bodies, loop bodies, if/else bodies, etc.) adds this number characters.

Print 'NULL' for null pointers

Set how null pointers are displayed in Decompiler output. If this is toggled on, the Decompiler will print a constant pointer value of zero (a null pointer) using the special token NULL. Otherwise the pointer value is represented with the '0' character, which is then cast to a pointer.

Print calling convention name

Set whether the calling convention is printed as part of the function declaration in Decompiler output. If this option is turned on, the name of the calling convention is printed just prior to the return value data-type within the function declaration. All functions in Ghidra have an associated calling convention (or prototype model) that is used during Decompiler analysis (see the discussion in Prototype Model).

Program Options

Changes to these options affect only the Decompiler and only for the current Program being analyzed.

Prototype Evaluation

Sets the calling convention (prototype model) used when decompiling a function where the convention is not known; i.e., marked as unknown. Many architectures have multiple calling conventions, __stdcall, __thiscall, etc. (see the discussion in Prototype Model).

Specification Extensions

This entry displays elements from the Program's compiler specification and processor specification and allows the user to add or remove extensions, including prototype models, call-fixups, and callother-fixups.

Every program has a core set of specification elements, loaded from the SLEIGH Specification Files, that cannot be modified or removed. Extensions, however, can be added to this core specification. Any extension imported from this dialog is directly associated with the active Program and is stored permanently with it.

Users can change or reimport an extension if new information points to a better definition. Users have full control over an extension, and unlike a core element, can tailor it specifically to the Program.

This options entry presents a table of all specification elements. Each element, whether core or an extension, is displayed on a separate row with three columns:

  • Extension Type - indicating the type of element
  • Name - showing the formal name of the element
  • Status - indicating whether the element is core or an extension

The core elements of the specification have a blank Status column, and any extension is labeled either as extension or override.

Extension Types

Each of the element types described here represents an XML tag of the same name, which, if present in the table, must either be in the compiler specification file, the processor specification file, or provided to Ghidra as an import document.


This element is a named Prototype Model that holds a specific set of parameter-passing details. It can be applied to individual functions by name, typically via the Calling Convention menu in the Function Editor Dialog. See the documentation on Function Prototypes for how they affect decompilation.

The XML <prototype> tag always has a name attribute that defines the formal name of the prototype model, which must be unique across all models.

<prototype name="__stdcall" extrapop="unknown" stackshift="4">
    <pentry minsize="1" maxsize="500" align="4">
      <addr offset="4" space="stack"/>


This element is a Call-fixup, which can be used to substitute a specific p-code sequence for CALL instructions during decompilation, as described in Function Prototypes.

The <callfixup> tag has a name attribute listing the formal name, which must be unique across all call-fixups.

<callfixup name="EH_prolog3">
      EBP = ESP + 4;
      tmp = * EBP;
      ESP = ESP - tmp;
      ESP = ESP - 24;


This element is a Callother-fixup, which can be used to substitute a specific p-code sequence for CALLOTHER p-code operations. A CALLOTHER is a black-box, or unspecified p-code operation (see User-defined P-code Operations - CALLOTHER).

The <callotherfixup> tag has a targetop attribute which lists the name of the particular CALLOTHER operation it substitutes for.

<callotherfixup targetop="dynamicPush">
    <input name="amount"/>
      RSP = RSP + amount;


The Status column labels an element as either a core specification or an extension; it also gives an indication of whether the element is about to be installed or removed.

With no changes pending, the column will show one of the three main values:


A blank Status column indicates that the element is a core part of the specification, originating from one of the specification files. These elements cannot be changed or removed.


Indicates that the element is a program-specific extension that has been added to the specification.


Indicates that the element, which must be a callotherfixup, is an extension that overrides a core element with the same target. The extension effectively replaces the p-code injection of the core element with a user-supplied one. If this type of extension is later removed, the core element becomes active again.

If the user has either imported additional extensions or selected an extension for removal but has not yet clicked the Apply button in the Options dialog, the Status column may show one of the following values, indicating a pending change:


Indicates a new extension that will be installed.


Indicates an extension that is about to be removed.


Indicates a new extension that will replace a current extension with the same name.

override pending

Indicates a new extension that will override a core element when it is installed.

Importing a New Extension

The Import button at the bottom of the Specification Extensions pane allows the user to import one of the three element types, prototype, callfixup, or callotherfixup, into the program as a new extension. The user must supply a properly formed XML document, as a file, that fully describes the new extension. Clicking the Import button brings up a File Chooser dialog, from which the user must select their prepared XML file. Once Ok is clicked, the file is read in and validated. If there are any problems with the validation, or if the new extension's name collides with a core element, the import does not succeed and an error message will be displayed. Otherwise, the import is accepted, and the table is updated to indicate the pending change.

The final change to the program, installing the new extension, will not happen until the Apply button, at the bottom of the Options dialog, is clicked.

The XML file describing the extension must have one of the tags, <prototype>, <callfixup>, or <callotherfixup>, as its single root element. Users can find numerous examples within the compiler and processor specification files that come as part of Ghidra's installation (see SLEIGH Specification Files).

In the case of prototype and callfixup elements, extensions cannot replace existing core elements, so the new extension must not have a name that matches an existing core element. If a new callotherfixup extension has a targetop that matches a core element, the extension is automatically treated as an override.

Existing extensions can be replaced simply by importing a new extension with the same name or targetop.

Removing an Extension

The Remove button at the bottom of the Specification Extensions pane allows the user to remove a previously installed extension. A row from the table is selected first, which must have a Status of extension or override. Core elements of the specification cannot be removed. Clicking the Remove button brings up a confirmation dialog, and if Ok is clicked, the selected extension is marked for removal. The Status of the row changes to remove, reflecting this.

The final change to the program, removing the extension, will not happen until the Apply button, at the bottom of the Options dialog, is clicked.

If a prototype or callfixup is removed, all functions are checked to see if they have the matching calling convention or call-fixup set. A function with matching calling convention is changed to have the default convention, which is always a core element. A function with matching call-fixup is changed to have no call-fixup.